Tropic Bound 2025

Tropic Bound 2025

Tropic Bound

January 15, 2025
Tropic Bound 2025
International Biennial Artists’ Book Fair
February 6–9, 2025
Shuttle tours: February 6, 10am–2pm
Paradise Plaza, 151 NE 41 Street, Miami, Florida
Addendum & symposium: February 6, 3–6pm
Palm Court, 140 NE 39th St, 3rd Floor, Miami, Florida
Tropic Bound
Miami, Florida

Join us in the Magic City for the return of Tropic Bound International Biennial Artists’ Book Fair! Tropic Bound returns February 6–9, 2025 to the Miami Design District taking over two of the district’s iconic rooftop destinations to gather and exhibit work of contemporary book arts from across the globe. As an artists’ book fair, Tropic Bound highlights books and bookworks made or altered by hand and enables visitors to meet the artists and artisans behind these incredible and intricate pieces.

More information and tickets available here.

2025 main fair exhibitors
American Academy of Bookbinding, Telluride, Colorado / Anémona Editores, Ciudad de México, México / Animales de Lorca, Valencia, Spain / Anne Covell, La Mesa, California / Antonio Guerra (Tinta Talller), Ciudad de México, México / Arthur Fournier Fine & Rare LLC, Brooklyn, New York / Ashley Castañeda, Miami, Florida / Benjamin D. Rinehart, Appeton, Wisconsin / Book/Print Artist/Scholar of Color Collective, New Haven, Connecticut / Booklyn, Inc., Brooklyn, New York / Carolyn Shattuck, Rutland, Vermont / CB Sherlock, Minneapolis, Minnesota / CENTRAL BOOKING, Brooklyn, New York / Courier Press at Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana / Coyote Bones Press, San Antonio, Texas / Crooked Letter Press/Ellen Knudson, Gainesville, Florida / Dobbin Books, Brooklyn, New York / Ediciones Concordia Mx, Queretaro, Mexico / elies plana, Barcelona, Spain / Emily Martin, Iowa City, Iowa / Errant Press, Los Angeles, California / Flying Fish Press, Madison, Wisconsin / Galerie DRUCK & BUCH, Vienna, Austria / Heide Hatry, New York, New York / Herramientas Grosso, Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina / Herringbone Bindery, Austin, Texas / Hot Tomato Press, St. Paul, Minnesota / I-87, Woodstock, New York / Ioulia Akhmadeeva, Morelia, Michoaca State, México / Isabel Fernández Echavarría, Santiago de Chile, Chile / Islam Aly Artists’ Books, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt / ISTANBUL BOOKBINDING INSTITUTE, Istanbul, Türkiye / Janelle Rebel and The Everyday Press, Philadelphia, and London, England, UK / Khelcom New York, New York, New York / LOZENGE.XYZ, Miami Beach, Florida / Lux Mentis, Booksellers, Portland, Maine / Marianne R. Petit Books, Amenia, New York / Miami Paper and Printing Museum, Miami, Florida / Midnight Paper Sales, Stockholm, Wisconsin / Mnemonic Press, Minneapolis, Minnesota / Mob of Two, Sebastopol, California / Morgan Conservatory, Cleveland, Ohio / NewLights Press, Louisville, Kentucky / North Bennet Street School, Boston, Massachusetts / Pokeweed Collective, Northport, Alabama / Porch Possum Press, Tallahassee, Florida / Rachel Simmons, Orlando, Florida / REDFOXPRESS & ANTIC-HAM, Achill Island, Ireland / Rocinante Press, Oakland, California / Rulon-Miller Books, St Paul, Minnesota / Sandra March—Perdita METABUK, Barcelona, Spain / Sarah Matthews, Columbia, Maryland / Sarah Nicholls, Bronx, New York / Seaweed Press/Meri Page, Syracuse, New York / servane briand, San Francisco, California / Silvia Brewda, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina / Small Craft Advisory Press, Tallahassee, Florida / Sol Rébora, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina / Springtide Press, Tacoma, Washington / Stephen Pittelkow, St. Paul, Minnesota / Suzanne Moore, Tucson, Arizona / The CODEX Foundation, Berkeley, California / The Printmakers Left, Garberville, California / The Prototype Press, Indian Head, Maryland / The Salvage Press, Dublin, Ireland / The University of Alabama Parallel Editions, Tuscaloosa, Alabama / Tom Virgin, Extra Virgin Press, Miami, Florida / Two Ponds Press, Rockport, Maine / Veritas Editions, Grapeview, Washington / Veronika Schäpers, Karlsruhe, Germany.

2025 addendum exhibitors
Antenna Press, New Orleans, Louisianna / Aquí y Allá, Bogotá, Colombia / Ash LLan, Miami, Florida / Bookleggers, Miami, Florida / Books & Books, Miami, Florida / Burnaway, Atlanta, Georgia / EXILE Projects, Miami, Florida / Feixue Mei, Harrisonburg, Virginia / FORGOTTEN LANDS, Brooklyn, New York / Impact.Edition, Miami, Florida / Ivan Acebo Choy, Saltillo, México / Jesse Hinson, Tucson, Arizona / Jessica Greenfield, Deep Gap, North Carolnia / Myda Iamiceli, Gainesville, Florida / [NAME] Publications, Miami, Florida / O, Miami, Miami, Florida / Publishing Section of Museum Archive of Nasser Bakhshi, Tabriz, Iran / Punto y Coma, Miami, Florida / ReEscribir Servicios Editoriales, Doral, Florida / press tofutofu, Singapore/New York / Tra Publishing, Miami, Florida / Tyler Rico, Austin, Texas / UICB Student Collective, Iowa City, Iowa / WOPHA, Miami, Florida.

2025 fair hours
Addendum: Thursday, 3–8pm; Saturday & Sunday, 10am–1pm / Main fair: Friday & Saturday, 12–6pm; Sunday 12–4pm.

Tropic Bound kicks off with a day of welcome events with shuttle tours through Miami’s literary arts hot spots, an educational symposium and a welcome party at the rooftop event space atop the Miami Design District.

Delivering the Tropic Bound 2025 Symposium’s keynote address Beyond the Build: Integrating Art into Special Collections is Stephanie Stillo, recently appointed Chief of the Rare Book and Special Collections Division at the US Library of Congress. After the keynote address, a panel Beyond the Binding: How Artists’ Books are Made Today with artists Emily Martin, Stephen Pittelkow, Sol Rébora, and Mark Sarigianis will discuss the diverse approaches to each’s practices sharing insight into what really goes into planning and making an object that bridges the worlds of books and art. A Welcome Party will follow the symposium as exhibitors and visitors mix under the setting Miami sun.

The fair continues Friday–Sunday, February 7–9, as Tropic Bound brings together over 90 exhibitors from across the globe. The fair is free and open to the public. Artist Talks begin at 10am Satutrday and Sunday and help contextualize artists’ books in the broader art and literary world.  Speakers include Rachel Simmons, Michelle Wilson, Ioulia Akhmadeeva, Anne Beck, and Antonio Guerra Gonzalez, Keri Miki-Lani Schroeder and Caroline Cabrera.

Full schedule, fair hours, tickets, artist talk details, shuttle tours, and related events visit

Tropic Bound 2025 is sponsored in part by the Miami Design District, AFAR Magazine, LogicArt Fine Art Services, University of Miami Libraries, Lisa B. Palley, The Kelmscott Bookshop, Vamp & Tramp Booksellers, Lux Mentis Booksellers, Salmon & Dulberg Dispute Resolution, Bromer Booksellers, Abecedarian Artist’s Books, Carolyn Shattuck, Tonkinson Foundation, Miami Paper and Printing Museum and private donors.

Paradise Plaza / main fair
151 NE 41 Street, third floor
Miami, Florida 33137

Palm Court / addendum, symposium & artist talks
140 NE 39 Street, third floor
Miami, Florida 33137

RSVP for Tropic Bound 2025
Tropic Bound
January 15, 2025

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