Application deadline: October 1, 2024
Urbanstrasse 25
70182 Stuttgart
The State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart invites applications for the position of a Professor of Transdisciplinary Artistic Practice (W3 pay grade, 50% part time).
starting as soon as possible (2024/2025 winter semester). The professorship is part of the CAMPUS GEGENWART center and is limited to three years. The professorship’s artistic practice focuses on performance, is open to inter- and transdisciplinary work and keeps abreast of contemporary debates in politics and the arts.
We seek an internationally renowned artist in the field of contemporary transdisciplinary artistic practice with experience in teaching, preferably at a higher education institution. Candidates are expected to teach with enthusiasm, work artistically, and have a communicative personality as well as diverse artistic and theoretical experience in various forms of the performative. They are prepared to contribute to the development of this interdisciplinary field in the context of a higher education institution for music and the performing arts.
Responsibilities include teaching and examining students in the master’s program “Theory and Practice of Experimental Performance” (in cooperation with the professorship in Performance and the professorship in Aesthetics and Theories of the Present), conceptualizing the further development of CAMPUS GEGENWART, and conducting classes and projects with students of all fields of study.
In addition to the usual application materials, applicants must submit a draft paper of one to two pages detailing a specific concept for the professorship in the context of the master’s program “Theory and Practice of Experimental Performance”, the CAMPUS GEGENWART and the State University of Music and Performing Arts Stuttgart overall.
Required qualifications include a relevant academic degree and teaching experience in the higher education sector. We also require on-campus presence in Stuttgart as well as active contribution to academic self-governance.
The Rectorate will decide who will fill the position. They will be employed as an employee under an individually negotiated contract and will receive compensation based on the W3 pay grade.
The teaching load is determined by the provisions of the regulation on teaching loads at colleges of the arts in Baden-Württemberg (Lehrverpflichtungsverordnung für Kunsthochschulen in Baden-Württemberg, LVVO-KHS), specifically for teachers of artistic subjects at universities of music. The focus of the professorship will be on teaching.
The State University of Music and the Performing Arts Stuttgart highly values the diversity of its members and is committed to employing people of all genders to an equal extent. To increase the percentage of women in academia, we specifically encourage women to apply. The State University of Music and the Performing Arts is proud to be a family-friendly institution. Applicants with severe disabilities or equivalent status as defined in Book IX of the German Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch Viertes Buch, SGB IX) are given preferential consideration if they are suitably qualified.
Applicants with diplomas and certificates from another country have to provide a certified translation of these documents into German and prove that they are equivalent to certificates issued by German institutions and bodies.
Please note that we cannot return any documents you submit. By applying, you agree that your data will be stored and processed. Your data will be processed solely for the purpose of filling the advertised position and will be deleted after the selection process has ended or upon your request. For more information about data processing, please visit our website.
Please submit your application by October 1, 2024 via our online application portal.