Collaboration of Bauhaus Earth and Experimental
Submission deadline: July 1, 2024, 11:59pm
The open call 2024 for the project-based Bauhaus Earth Fellowship Program (BE-FELLOW) is now open. The Fellowship welcomes proposals for experimental projects that enable new practices and knowledge of regional, regenerative and circular building and contribute to a powerful aesthetic for a sustainable architecture of the future.
BE-FELLOW invites a broad spectrum of exceptionally talented, emerging international practitioners and creatives, including architects, artists, designers, engineers, scientist and cross-disciplinary collaborations, whose proposals test new modes of practice, engagement and knowledge in relation to changing natural and disciplinary boundaries and across diverse geographies and contexts. The main purpose is to provide critical support at key points in the development of a project or practice towards sustainable transition.
Fellowship projects are based on clear research questions and typically aim to produce architectural fragments of a manageable scale that can serve as prototypes for research, testing and dissemination of knowledge. They should aim for longevity and be integrated into a real social context.
The program offers a unique collaborative research environment, providing fellows with the financial freedom and stimulating intellectual and professional mentoring, as well as the network and conditions to pursue their experimental ideas and new design approaches in a focused way. It is an active collaboration with the BE-FELLOW team, integrating other project-specific partners and experts, and providing a platform for the promotion and implementation of systemic-analytical and practical building experiments.
BE-FELLOW is a collaboration between Bauhaus Earth and Experimental, a non-profit organization founded by Prof. Regine Leibinger. Since 2022, it has been promoting practice-based experimental and research-oriented projects in sustainable architecture. Based in Berlin, active both online and on-site, it complements the global think- and make-tank of Bauhaus Earth and its practice-oriented Berlin Marienpark LAB.
In 2022 the BE-FELLOW program awarded its first fellowship to the London-based Material Cultures. With a further three current Fellows—Baukreisel e.V., Kevin Kimwelle based in South Africa, and to the Argentinian duo Heidi Jalkh and Angie Dub.
The deadline for submission is Monday July 1, 2024 (11:59pm CEST).
Submissions are to be sent in English exclusively by email to be-fellow [at]
For information about the open call program and how to apply, please download (Application Form, Terms & Conditions, FAQ) or visit the Bauhaus Earth and Experimental website and social media, or contact us at be-fellow [at]
The fellowship projects are supposed to last between 6 and 8 months and are intended to be open-ended. Successful candidates will be informed by October, starting from November 2024 to June 2025.