July 13–21, 2024
Via Panorâmica w/n
Center for Studies in Architecture and Urbanism (CEAU-FAUP)
4150-564 Porto Porto
T +351 22 605 7100
The “More than Housing” Summer Workshop is now open to the participation of students and young architects, and it will take place between the July 13–21, 2024 at FAUP in Porto as well as in Évora, Famalicão and Setúbal, Portugal.
The Workshop will count with the participation of Ângela Ferreira (artist), António Bolota (artist), Arno Brandlhuber & Olaf Grawert (bplus.xyz/ House Europe!), Cristina Guedes & Francisco Vieira de Campos (Menos é Mais Arquitectos), Diogo Burnay & Cristina Veríssimo (CVDB Arquitectos), Enrico Molteni (Enrico Molteni Architecture), Filipa Guerreiro & Tiago Correia (Atelier da Bouça) & Ana Fernandes (CEFA/OPPALA), João Gomes da Silva (landscape architect), João Paulo Feliciano (artist), João Soares & Pedro Guilherme & Sofia Salema & João Matos (malagueira.pt), Jonathan Sergison (Sergison Bates Architects), José Miguel Lameiras (landscape architect), Maria João Freitas (sociologist), Mário Gomes (anthropologist), Miguel Vieira & Inês Vieira (SAMI—arquitectos), Mikael Ling (Förstberg Ling), Nuno Grande (architect/professor/researcher), Nuno Melo Sousa (Nuno Melo Sousa Architecture), Pedro Campos Costa (Campos Costa Architecture Studio), Ron Edelaar (EMI Architekten), Tatiana Bilbao (Tatiana Bilbao Estudio), Tiago Mota Saraiva (ateliermob), Victor Beiramar Diniz (landscape architect), William Mann (Witherford Watson Mann Architects) and more…
For 8 days, 9 international multidisciplinary teams, each consisting of 15 students, 2 architects/studios, 1 team assistant, and 3 multidisciplinary guests, will engage in an exploratory design exercise in different locations. They will work in contact with residents and other local actors on 3 exemplary interventions of Portuguese city-building architecture from post-revolution initiatives of April 25 right to housing — a right enshrined in the Portuguese Constitution of 1975.
The locations under study will be the SAAL “Casal das Figueiras” neighbourhood in Setúbal, a project by Gonçalo Byrne, (1975–79); the “Quinta da Malagueira” social housing in Évora, a project by Álvaro Siza (1977–97) and the “Lameiras” social housing block in Famalicão, a project by Noé Diniz (1978–83). The Workshop will be held in the intervening territories and at FAUP in partnership with local institutions.
In 1974 the SAAL brigades’ coordinators were around 40 years old at the time, like Álvaro Siza or Gonçalo Byrne, and an important part of the Technical Brigade was made up of young students, just over 20 years old. Today’s students and young architects involved in the More than Housing Summer Workshops will have a more active participation in democratic life, sharing the results of their research with society through a final exhibition to open in October 2024 in MUDE Museum/Lisbon.
Be part to imagine, act, change?
For more information, visit here.
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