Lungomare reader book tour, Spector Books
AS IF—16 Dialogues about Sheep, Black Holes, and Movement a book by Lungomare. Editors: Angelika Burtscher, Daniele Lupo. Publisher: Spector Books (2023). Book tour: January–June 2024.
The reader AS IF—16 Dialogues about Sheep, Black Holes, and Movement is a study about our lives that starts from the urgent desire to change it and imagine a different future through artistic and creative practices. Edited by Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo, founders and artistic directors of the Lungomare platform for cultural production and design, the book is structured into sixteen conversations where dialogue is adopted as the main form of relationship that Lungomare has deployed over its twenty years of artistic and cultural activity.
The book features fifty-four international voices expressing their own visions to renegotiate the future, exploring various themes, places, people, languages and disciplines through the four chapters: “Activating Contextual Practices”; “The Public Space as a Field of Action”; “Sharing Knowledge” and “A Sense of Belonging.” Each chapter refers to methodologies and issues that Lungomare has always grappled with in its projects, reflecting on current discourses as inherent to artistic production. The reader contributors reflect on the imminent and urgent changes taking place in our cities, proposing a new relationship with nature for us humans, and reflecting on the ongoing ecological and human crises: what role do trees, fallow land, heterogeneity, listening and dancing play when we think about common ground? In their dialogues, authors ask from what perspective we adopt words and languages, and look at the whole of reality, inviting us to take responsibility in helping to shape a diverse society that encompasses all species.
AS IF invites radical openness and rethinking, highlighting the potential that lies in artistic processes in order to create resonance and lead to a way of acting and being that might connect, heal, and move people towards new collective and social visions. AS IF is also an invitation to formulate additional questions to ponder and to pose many others, of all species. AS IF is a proposal to keep staying in motion.
Contributors: Bayo Akomolafe, Kolar Aparna, Amélie Aranguren, Linda Armano, Thierry Boutonnier, Cecilia Canziani, Frida Carazzato, Francesco Careri, Lisa Carignani, Beatrice Catanzaro, Anna Colin, Luigi Coppola, Luisa Lorenza Corna, Binta Diaw, Rosalyn D’Mello, Futurefarmers, Peter Galison, Lorenzo Gerbi, Roberto Gigliotti, Valeria Graziano, Saba Hamzah, Barbara Holub, Wissal Houbabi, Anthony Iles, Grant Kester, Sophie Krier, Jan Liesegang, Federica Martini, Erika Mayr, Lisa Mazza, Sandro Mezzadra, Marzia Migliora, Marion Oberhofer, orizzontale (Juan Lopez Cano, Nasrin Mohiti Asli), Maxi Obexer, Constantin Petcou, Doina Petrescu, Tihana Pupovac, Akansha Rastogi, Sharmistha Saha, Marinella Senatore, Pablo Calderón Salazar, Meike Schalk, Natalka Sniadanko, Parissima Taheri-Maynard, Pelin Tan, Justin Randolph Thompson, Stéphane Verlet-Bottéro and Marina Vishmidt.
Among the contributions, the book also includes the artistic intervention Paradoxes of Abundance #53 (Living Systems) by Marzia Migliora, which forms a poster at the center of the volume; furthermore, it features a special edition of 120 copies produced by the designer Martino Gamper, a milling intervention along the frontal cut resulting in a unique engraving each time. (Visit here to order the special edition).
Book tour with the editors Angelika Burtscher and Daniele Lupo
Presentation, screening and discussion: January 30, 7–8:30pm
Together with Sophie Krier, Binta Diaw, Martina Angelotti
CLER, via Padova 27, Milan, Italy
Urban walk through Rome and book presentation: March 9, walk at 11am, presentation at 6pm
Together with Cecilia Canziani, Erika Mayr, orizzontale
IUNO, Via Ennio Quirino Visconti 55, Rome, Italy (For the urban walk please subscribe: info [at]
Presentation and discussion: April 3, 6–7:30pm
Together with Valeria Graziano, Tihana Pupovac
< rotor > Center for Contemporary Art, Volksgartenstrasse 6a, Graz, Austria
Cosmological Gardens (online seminar): May 25, 10am–5pm
Together with Anna Colin. Facilitated by CAD+SR (Center for Arts, Design, and Social Research), and Senior Research Fellows Pelin Tan and Luigi Coppola.
Reading circle: June 22
As part of The Rural Commons Assembly
SOMALGORS74, Somalgors 74, Tschlin, Switzerland (To take part to the Assembly please subscribe: info [at]