Chausseestraße 128/129
10115 Berlin
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 12am–6pm,
Thursday 12am–8pm
T +49 30 2807020
Pier Paolo Pasolini: Porcili
September 11–November 10, 2024
Curators: Giuseppe Garrera, Cesare Pietroiusti / Co-curator: Clara Tosi Pamphili / Location: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Chausseestrasse 128/129, 10115 Berlin.
The exhibition Pier Paolo Pasolini. Porcili at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) explores the “corpo” (body) of Pasolini through a rich array of original materials, including photographs, films, newspapers, books, and film costumes. It traces his work and ideas, highlighting the visionary life and career of the director, poet, and thinker. Known for his radical views and rebellion against social conventions, Pasolini often sparked controversy in Italian society from the 1950s to the 1970s. His affiliation with the Communist Party and his open homosexuality made him a provocative figure. He faced public ridicule and legal troubles, and was murdered in 1975 under unclear circumstances. The exhibition at n.b.k. chronicles these events, shedding light on the harsh persecution Pasolini endured. It documents the systematic discrimination faced by a dissident who celebrated the body as a site of self-determination amidst a backdrop of courtrooms, street attacks, censorship, and ridicule.
Parallel to the exhibition, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) presents a series of films by Pier Paolo Pasolini at Babylon cinema. Find all dates for these and other events accompanying the exhibition here.
A project in cooperation with Fondazione Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia—Cineteca Nazionale, Rome, and Babylon cinema, Berlin. Kindly supported by Deutsche Akademie Villa Massimo, Rom.
Pamela Rosenkranz: Spill Retina
September 11–November 10, 2024
n.b.k. Showroom
Curator: Lidiya Anastasova / Location: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Chausseestrasse 128/129, 10115 Berlin.
Pamela Rosenkranz’s interdisciplinary approach, which incorporates elements from the natural sciences, neurology, art history, literature, and biorobotics, she reflects on the interactions and consequences of an anthropocentric worldview on the entire habitat. Rosenkranz has developed a unique visual language that highlights fluid transitions and blurs the boundaries between culture and nature, humans and animals, humans and machines, and physical and digital realities. For her first institutional solo exhibition in Berlin, the artist will create a new site-specific installation at Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.).
Kindly supported by the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia.
Santiago Sierra: Der Zeitgeist
September 11, 2024–August 31, 2025
n.b.k. Facade
Curator: Sergio Edelsztein / Location: Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.), Chausseestrasse 128/129, 10115 Berlin.
Santiago Sierra has been photographing rows of teeth since 2008: those of Sinti and Roma in Naples, migrants in Tijuana, refugees from the Middle East, and many more. These works are emblematic of Sierra’s focus on the “re-humanization” of groups dehumanized by the economy, migration, and prejudice. The act of “showing one’s teeth” touches on our most primitive behaviors, representing a visceral act of threat and defense, as the universally understood phrase suggests. Sierra’s project for the n.b.k. facade, titled Der Zeitgeist, reflects a moment of fear and threat, attack and defense, showing strength and concealing fragility. Der Zeitgeist laments the return to a primitive, pre-linguistic stance that equally affects the social behavior of individuals, groups, and state actors.
Yoko Ono: FLY
September 11, 2024–February 23, 2025
n.b.k. Billboard
Curator: Lidiya Anastasova / Location: Intersection of Friedrichstrasse x Torstrasse, within walking distance of Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.).
Essential to Yoko Ono’s groundbreaking multidisciplinary practice is a participatory approach, often activated by her conceptual use of scores and instructions, and her strong belief in the power of thought, action, and language to create peace. Since the 1960s, her billboard campaigns have used minimalist language and clear messages to invite active participation, reminiscent of her instructions, with messages like IMAGINE PEACE, DREAM, TOUCH, and FLY. In close collaboration with Yoko Ono’s studio, two of the artist’s works will be displayed in succession in Berlin’s public space as part of the n.b.k. Billboard series. The project begins during Berlin Art Week in September 2024 and continues in March 2025 with a second work, which will be on display for another six months, coinciding with Yoko Ono’s retrospective at Gropius Bau (April 11–August 31, 2025).
Kindly supported by the Wall family.
September 12–22, 2024
n.b.k. at Uferhallen & Uferstudios
Curators: Marius Babias, Arkadij Koscheew
Location: Uferhallen, Uferstrasse 8-11 & Uferstudios, Badstrasse 41a / Uferstrasse 23, 13357 Berlin
At the Uferhallen and Uferstudios, Neuer Berliner Kunstverein (n.b.k.) presents the project INDUSTRY. It focuses on the complex of the former main workshops of the Berlin Transport Authority, bridging the history of the Gesundbrunnen district in the 20th century, characterized partly by industrialization, with the current discourse on deindustrialization and the culture industry. An expansive kinetic artwork by artist Oscar Peters references the former “Badstrasse Boulevard” and a roller coaster erected in 1924 at Badstrasse 8. It will also serve as a platform for diverse artistic interventions by both locally based and internationally connected artists. INDUSTRY humorously explores possible futures for cultural and art venues, encouraging a deeper look into the historical roots of the neighborhood.
A discourse and performance program, along with evening film screenings, will accompany the exhibition. Details will be announced on the n.b.k. website on September 6.
A project by n.b.k. in cooperation with Uferstudios and Uferhallen e.V. Supported by Hauptstadtkulturfonds.
Neuer Berliner Kunstverein is supported by the Kriket Foundation. Neuer Berliner Kunstverein n.b.k. gGmbH is funded by the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion. Partner of Berlin Art Week 2024