1/3-2, “А” Block, Velyka Vasylkivska/Baseyna Str.
Hours: Wednesday–Sunday 12–9pm
T +380 44 590 0858
PinchukArtCentre (Kyiv, Ukraine) announces the names of the artists shortlisted for the 7th edition of the Future Generation Art Prize. Selected from over 12,000 entries across almost 200 countries, the final list includes 21 artists and artist collectives, spanning five continents. Established by the Victor Pinchuk Foundation in 2009, the Future Generation Art Prize is a biannual global contemporary art prize to discover, recognize and give long-term support to a future generation of artists all over the world.
Shortlisted artists are Sinzo Aanza (33, Congo), Tara Abdullah Mohammed Sharif (27, Iraq), Julian Abraham “Togar” (36, Indonesia), Andrius Arutiunian (32, Lithuania), Salim Bayri (31, Morocco), Castiel Brasileiro (27, Brazil), Giulia Cenci (35, Italy), Nolan Dennis (35, South Africa), Yasmine El Meleegy (32, Egypt), Bekhbaatar Enkhtur (29, Mongolia), Veronika Hapchenko (28, Ukraine), Dana Kavelina (28, Ukraine), Marie-Claire Messouma Manlanbien (33, France), Dina Mimi (29, State of Palestine), Sandra Mujinga (34, Norway), Hira Nabi (36, Pakistan), Ipeh Nur (30, Indonesia), Ashfika Rahman (35, Bangladesh), Buhlebezwe Siwani (36, South Africa), Zhang Xu Zhan (35, Taiwan) and Ziyang Wu (33, China).
The artist Dana Kavelina is included as the winner of the PinchukArtCentre Prize 2022—a national contemporary art prize awarded to Ukrainian artists aged 35 years old or younger. All other artists were chosen by an international selection committee, which includes: Mariam Elnozahy, Curator, researcher, and writer, who now has been appointed Artistic Director of Konsthall C in Stockholm, Sweden, Marta Papini, Associate curator of The Parliament of Marmots, the 9th Biennale Gherdëina (2024), curated by Lorenzo Giusti, Billy Fowo, Curator at SAVVY Contemporary Berlin and writer, Raphael Chikukwa, Executive director and chief curator of the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, Evelyne Jouanno, Independent curator and art historian, professor at NABA in Rome, Thiago de Paula Souza, Co-curator of 1000°, the 38th Panorama of Brazilian art, Inga Lāce, Chief сurator of the Almaty Museum of Arts.
The selection committee was appointed by the Future Generation Art Prize’s distinguished international jury which includes: Cecilia Alemani, Curator of The Milk of Dreams, 59th International Art Exhibition at La Biennale di Venezia (2022), Björn Geldhof, Artistic Director of the PinchukArtCentre, Diane Lima, Independent curator, writer and a key Black feminist voice in Brazilian contemporary art, Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, Director and chief curator of Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Alicia Knock, Curator, Head of the Contemporary Creation and Prospective Department at the Centre Pompidou, Simon Njami, Independent curator, lecturer, art critic, novelist, Hou Hanru, Art critic and curator based in Paris and Rome, former Artistic Director of MAXXI, National Museum of 21st Century Arts, Rome.
Shortlisted artists will be commissioned to create the new works on view in exhibitions at the PinchukArtCentre in Kyiv. The jury will determine the winners of the main prize and special prizes during the Future Generation Art Prize exhibition at the PinchukArtCentre in Kyiv. Prizes are awarded at a ceremony in October 2024.
The main prize winner receives a 100,000 USD split between a 60,000 USD cash prize and a 40,000 USD investment in their practice. A further 20,000 USD is awarded as a special prize/s between up to five artists at the discretion of the jury for supporting projects that develop their artistic practice.
Exhibition of shortlisted artists at the PinchukArtCentre: August 2024–January 2025
Future Generation Art Prize 2024 award ceremony: October 2024
Amina Ahmed, press [at] pinchukartcentre.org / T +38 044 494-1148 / pinchukartcentre.org