The Floorplan is pleased to announce the publication of Ayoung Kim: Synthetic Storyteller, the first and most comprehensive monograph encompassing the artist’s practice. Visual and media artist Ayoung Kim weaves reality anew through a tapestry of hybrid narratives while integrating geopolitics, mythology, technology and futuristic iconography in her work. The outcomes of synthesized narratives result in far-reaching speculation, establishing connections between biopolitics and border controls, the memories of stones and virtual memories, and ancestral origins and imminent futures in the forms of video, moving image, virtual reality (VR), game simulation, sonic fiction, diagrams and texts.
As the hitherto most extensive introduction to the artist’s work, this monograph presents a selection of artworks produced between 2007 and 2022 through still images and installation views together with several critical voices. It includes Ayoung Kim’s text and scripts from various projects which are the foundation of her work, an interview with curator Hyunjoo Byeon, accompanied by analytical essay contributions from Nanna Heidenreich, Chien-Hung Huang, Jinshil Lee, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein and Wonhwa Yoon.
Ayoung Kim is a recipient of the Golden Nica Award, Prix Ars Electronica, Austria (2023); Terayama Shuji Prize, 37th Image Forum Festival, Japan (2023); Best Film Award, Chuncheon SF Film Festival, Korea (2020); a finalist of the Korea Artist Prize, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (2019); and a recipient of the Young Artist of the Year Award, Ministry of Culture, Korea (2015). She has presented solo and group exhibitions and projects worldwide at the Sharjah Biennial (2023); Ars Electronica Festival, Linz (2023); HEK (House of Electronic Arts), Basel (2023); International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) (2023), CPH:DOX Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival (2023); National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul and Gwacheon (2023, 2022, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016); Kuandu Biennial, Taipei (2022); Asian Art Biennial, Taichung (2021); Videobrasil, São Paulo (2021); Berlin International Film Festival (2020); Busan Biennale (2020); Gwangju Biennale (2018), Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2016); and the 56th Venice Biennale (2015), among others.
Publication specs
Title: Ayoung Kim: Synthetic Storyteller
Category: Contemporary art, art critic, artist monograph
Language: Korean, English
Publication Date: January 2024
Pages: softcover, 400 pages, color illustrations, black and white, 112 x 183 mm
ISBN: 979-11-985617-0-1 (93600)
Publisher: The Floorplan, Seoul
Authors: Nanna Heidenreich, Chien-Hung Huang, Jinshil Lee, Ayoung Kim, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, Wonhwa Yoon
Editor: Gye Taek Gon (James Gui)
Design: Shin Shin
Contact: info [at]
This book is published with the support of the “2023 ARKO Selection Visual Art.”