Overhoeksplein 2
1031 KS Amsterdam
The Netherlands
DAS Graduate School
The master’s programmes of DAS Choreography and DAS Theatre are part of DAS Graduate School together with DAS Creative Producing and DAS Research. The graduate school brings together master’s, doctorate, and research programmes to create an environment where new ideas, approaches and practices can be instigated. DAS Graduate School is part of the Academy of Theatre and Dance of Amsterdam.
Within DAS Graduate School, we seek to relate to guests, colleagues, and peers from the international field, and to collaborate with local and international art institutions, aiming to contribute to the discourse about contemporary performing arts.
Below you can find some more information about DAS Choreography and DAS Theatre. Go to our website to find out more and to register for our (online) information sessions.
About DAS Choreography
Artists who have established a professional practice, and seek possibilities for further reflection and development can increase their research skills at DAS Choreography. This two-year low-residential master’s programme of the Amsterdam University of the Arts aims to contribute to the field of critical and contemporary dance practice.
DAS Choreography aims for diverse student and staff bodies. Diversity is understood in terms of both access and inclusivity. We are aware of the need to address and make ongoing investments in intersectional diversity. Within the small community of peers the diversity of orientations strongly affects the collective effort and culture in the programme.
A transdisciplinary approach to practice-led research
DAS Choreography provides the support structure and organization to facilitate choreographic practice-led research. DAS Choreography subscribes to the view that the discipline of dance and approaches to choreography are inherently diverse and evolving. In the area of practice, dance can be seen to encompass a wide range of genres: these developments have led to new understandings of the concept of (expanded) choreography as an open cluster of tools that can be used in a generic capacity for both analysis and production. Choreographers experiment with models of production, staging formats and contribute to a broadening of a transdisciplinary understanding of what choreography can do, they investigate new forms of self-organization, social mobilization and engagement.
More information
On October 14 from 10am–4pm there will be a one day orientation day in Amsterdam for a limited group of people. We will also host an online information session on 16 October from 7–8pm (Amsterdam time, GMT+2). Sign up by sending an email to daschoreography [at] ahk.nl.
About DAS Theatre
DAS Theatre is a full-time, two-year Master of Art programme in performing arts. DAS Theatre welcomes theatre makers, performance artists, curators… of all nationalities who wish to deepen, broaden or shift their existing practices. DAS Theatre is an environment where a temporary community of peers are invited to become sensitive to each other and to the world; a community that uses theatre as a space for reflection, transformation and action.
As a postgraduate school, DAS Theatre focuses on knowledge generation rather than knowledge transmission, while also seeing itself as a learning institute. DAS Theatre acknowledges that it has a long way to go towards diversifying the school, decolonizing, feminizing, and queering it—and this is a primary commitment.
Sustainable artistic practices
Recognising the precarious conditions many artists face today, we are committed to rethinking artists careers through the lens of sustainability. By shifting the attention from products and production to education, research and development, students are empowered to reimagine how they work and how their artistic careers can have diverse and sustainable outcomes and implementations.
More information
We will host two online information meetings on Thursday October 19, 2–4pm (Amsterdam time, GMT+2) and on Thursday November 2, 8–10pm (Amsterdam time). Please register by sending an email to john.meijerink [at] ahk.nl.
Please contact us if you have questions, for example about the programme, the admission procedure or specific accessibility needs. Visit our website.