Lecture series at LUCA and COA
June 6–July 11, 2023, 6:30pm
In the 1950s, against the normative doctrine of Tabula Rasa, Peter and Alison Smithson proposed the notion of the “as found”. Instead of attempting to replace the already existing by something completely new, the existing was supposed to be understood and used—without bias—as a starting point for further planning and design. In the age of climate change and resource depletion, this approach has to be revisited and recontextualized. The built fabric—that, which is already there—with its grey energy needs to be understood and framed as an invaluable asset, which must be protected and only in exceptional cases should be subjected to destruction and removal. The gentle transformation of the existing, the continuation of building of the existing building stock, should become the new normal. As citizens, we need to understand that from this present moment onwards, the construction of tomorrow will have to be addressed with an unprecedented effort towards a regenerative and transformative repair of our (built) environment. Which modes of operation can be identified for architects and planners in this context?
In collaboration with the Luxembourg Center for Architecture (luca), the University of Luxembourg, Master in Architecture, has organized a lecture series and set of discussions: as found. These gatherings will provide a differentiated overview of relevant and timely approaches presented by an international range of exceptional spatial practitioners, who will reframe our understanding of how to utilize the existing.
Lecture series
Jean-Philippe Vassal, Lacaton Vassal: June 6, 6:30pm
luca, 1 rue de la Tour Jacob, Luxembourg. Register here.
Sophie Delhay, Sophie Delhay Architecte: June 13, 6:30pm
luca, 1 rue de la Tour Jacob, Luxembourg. Register here.
Elena Schütz, Something Fantastic: June 20, 6:30pm
luca, 1 rue de la Tour Jacob, Luxembourg. Register here.
Claudia Chwalisz, Democracy Next: June 29, 6:30pm
COA, 24 rue du Brill, Esch-sur-Alzette
Johanna Meyer-Grohbruegge, Meyer-Grohbruegge: July 11, 6:30pm
COA, 24 rue du Brill, Esch-sur-Alzette