Selected participants at the Matchmaking Conference
Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), Ljubljana
Rusjanov trg 7
SI- 1000 Ljubljana
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 10am–6pm
T +386 1 548 42 70
The Future Architecture Call for Ideas 2015 produced 291 proposals by 524 emerging artists from 39 countries. Open from November 18 through December 31, 2015, the call was looking for individuals from various disciplines to present and apply new ideas on architecture both for today and what we should look forward to in the near future.
The ideas submitted revealed the critical thinking of the currently emerging generation of designers and architects in relation to the existing models that shape architecture as a discipline. They presented visions of what architecture could be and highlighted architects and designers as initiators of change in the larger societal picture. These ideas show the role of architecture as a pragmatic intellectual discipline, which is able to interpret and address the new dynamics of everyday life.
“Judging by the applications and the general interest the platform has generated, I am confident the platform will grow beyond its current frame of a two-year project. It will definitely leave a lasting and tangible legacy,” said Matevž Čelik, platform manager and director of the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), Ljubljana, Slovenia, the platform’s coordinating entity. “With the participation of institutions from all over Europe and based on the ideas of young professionals we will implement a programme showcasing the exceptional and highly diverse potential architecture has to shape our future.”
Platform members selected architects, designers and artists who will participate at the Future Architecture Matchmaking Conference to take place February 18–20, 2016 at the Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO) in Ljubljana. The conference will present a variety of topics and ideas on the future of architecture that have been collected through the platform’s work. The speakers at the Future Architecture conference in Ljubljana will be the individual authors of the applications selected at the Call for Ideas by the platform members: Tomaž Pipan (Slovenia), urbz (India), Jack Self (United Kingdom), Lavinia Scaletti (Italy), Land+Civilization Compositions (The Netherlands), Esen Gökçe Özdamar, Ahmet Bal, Şermin Şentürk (Turkey), Plan Común (Chile), Sonja Jankov (Serbia), Something Fantastic (Germany), CNTXT Studio (United Kingdom), Ana Jeinić (Austria), dotlinearchitects (Switzerland), Aman Iwan (France), Clement Blanchet (France), Vera Seriakov, Nela Kadic (Austria), Anja Humljan (Slovenia), Léopold Lambert (France), Cristina Ampatzidou, Ania Molenda (The Netherlands), Linnea Våglund (Sweden), Manon Mollard (United Kingdom), Guerilla Architects (Germany), Sodeste (Chile), Miloš Kosec (Slovenia), Sara Neves + Filipe Estrela (Portugal), and Aleksandra Zarek (United Kingdom) as selected by the public in an online vote.
Read more about the candidates and their ideas here.
After the conference in Ljubljana, the platform will launch the public architectural programme around Europe and present selected creators at exhibitions, conferences, lectures, workshops and in a dedicated book. The programme starts with lectures in March at the Oris House of Architecture in Zagreb and winds up in October at the Lisbon Triennale.
About Future Architecture
The Future Architecture platform has been designed and is coordinated by the Museum of Architecture and Design in Ljubljana. It is the first pan-European platform of 14 architecture museums, festivals and producers from 13 countries, bringing ideas on the future of cities and architecture closer to the wider public.
Who are Future Architecture members?
Coordinating entity: Museum of Architecture and Design (MAO), Ljubljana
Members: Oris House of Architecture, Zagreb (Croatia); Museum of Architecture in Wrocław (Poland); Belgrade International Architecture Week, Belgrade (Serbia); National Museum of XXI Century Arts, Rome; House of Architecture, Graz (Austria); Copenhagen Architecture Festival, Copenhagen; Tirana Architecture Week (Albania); Design Biotop, Ljubljana; Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Lisbon; Ruby Press, Berlin; Swiss Architecture Museum, Basel; Prishtina Architecture Week (Kosovo); CANactions, Kiev