From August 2023 to June 2024
HDK-Valand invites applications for the international course Contemporary Art and Health. The course is taught entirely at distance via zoom and the language of instruction is English. Free to EU nationals, the course bears 15 ECTS and operates at 25 percent of full time studies. Teaching typically occurs once per week from 4–7pm CET.
Contemporary Art and Health is aimed at artistic practitioners, cultural workers and healthcare practitioners who have an interest in understanding and working with the field of contemporary art and health. Designed as a transdisciplinary learning experience, the course takes an expanded social, cultural and political perspective on what both contemporary art and health can be understood to be and seeks to equip students with skills in critical thinking and analysis. While the course examines histories of both contemporary art and health, it places a focus on futuring, actively dwelling on the futures of healthcare and the role that artists and artistic practice can play in the creation of those futures.
Operating through thematics, the course introduces students to core concepts, theories, methods and methodologies within the field through artistic practice case studies. Thematics include: Care; Participation, Collaboration and Cooperation; Ethics; Architecture and Space; Time; and Reimagining the Institution. The course places pedagogical emphasis on sharing through dialogue and has the intention of generating a productive and care-driven environment for students and teachers to participate in and maintain as a learning community. For more information see the course information page. You can also read a five question interview about the course here.
Contemporary Art and Health is led by Dr. Cathryn Klasto and includes contributions by invited guests. The course employs various teaching models including lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials and advance preparation is expected before teaching sessions. The course also requires that students have a reliable internet connection and good working ear/headphones to participate effectively.
Apply here (for international applicants) and here (for Swedish applicants). The course does not require previous knowledge or experience of either contemporary art or health. Emphasis is placed on a willingness to engage and a curious attitude towards the field.
Admission to the course is based on a letter of intent of 200–350 words stating why you are interested in attending the course. The letter should be written in English and there is also an option to include a CV appendix of 200–250 words.
HDK-Valand offers several short and long distance courses during the academic year. See here for HDK-Valand’s fall 2023 course offering.