June 10–12, 2016
Friday, June 10, 5–9pm
Saturday, June 11, 12–7pm
Sunday, June 12, 12–7pm
Opening party at Akademie der Künste: Friday, June 10, 9pm–late
After party at ACUD Macht Neu: Sunday, June 12, 9pm–late
MISS READ: The Berlin Art Book Fair 2016 will take place on June 10 to 12 at Akademie der Künste Berlin and will bring together a wide selection of some 200 publishers, art periodicals and artists/authors. Founded in 2009, MISS READ is Europe’s Art Book Festival, dedicated to community-building and creating a public meeting place for discourse around artists´ books, conceptual publications and publishing as practice. Admission is free.
Featuring 200+ international participants with this years special focus on Spanish-speaking countries, MISS READ will be accompanied by series of lectures, discussions, book launches and workshops, exploring the boundaries of contemporary publishing and the possibilities of the book.
On Friday, June 10, MISS READ STAGE will focus on Publishing as Artistic Practice with panels, book presentations and lectures by Annette Gilbert, Eleanor Vonne Brown, Eva Weinmayr, Hannes Bajohr, Paul Soullelis and the Mexican collective Rrréplica meeting/encounter/clash of rebellious/disobedient/unruly publishers/editors/printers and duplicators.
Friday’s public programmes schedule is available here.
On Saturday, June 11, the fourth Conceptual Poetics Day will explore the imaginary border between visual art and literature. It will feature readings, talks, performances and books by Eugen Gomringer, James Sherry, Matvei Yankelevich, Cordula Daus, Paul Soulellis, Franz Thalmair, Lois Bartel, Stefan Riebel, Ignacio Uriarte, Hank Schmidt in der Beek, Annette Gilbert, Thomas Thiel, Arno Auer, Cia Rinne, and many more.
The detailed program of the Conceptual Poetics Day 2016 is available here.
On Sunday, June 12, MISS READ STAGE will present lectures, booklaunches and a symposion on How to Collect Artists Books, organised in collaboration with Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen Weserburg and featuring presentations by Anne Thurmann-Jajes, Tony White, Eva Linhart and Beatrice Hernad, among others.
Sunday´s public programmes schedule is available here.
To sustain our activities, we occasionally publish fundraising editions. More information about our editions with John Stezaker, Cia Rinne, Haris Epaminonda and Eugen Gomringer is available here: http://missread.com/editions
88books (Vancouver) / A BALZAC A RODN (Paris) / ABC [Artists’ Books Cooperative] (New York and elsewhere) / adocs (Hamburg) / Afterall (London) / Akademie der Künste (Berlin) / AKV (Berlin) / Alt Går Bra (Bergen, Norway) / Anagram Books (London/Berlin) / AND Publishing (London) / Animal Press (Brussels) / Apparent Extent (Cologne) / Archive Books (Berlin) / Archive Artist Publications (Munich) / Åse Eg Jørgensen (Copenhagen) / ATLAS Projectos (Lisbon/Berlin) / August Verlag (Berlin) / Bartleby & Co. (Brussels) / Baeckerei (Berlin) / BELMONDO (Warsaw) / BLEK (Leipzig, Germany) / Boabooks (Geneva) / BOM DIA BOA TARDE BOA NOITE (Berlin) / BOMB Magazine (New York) / Book Works (London) / Brad Downey (Berlin)/ Brinkmann & Bose (Berlin) / Broken Dimanche Press (Berlin) / Bücher & Hefte (Berlin) / Bücherbogen (Berlin) / bywater bros (Port Colborne, Canada) / Camera Austria (Graz, Austria) / Cabinet Magazine (Brooklyn) / Cia Rinne (Berlin) / Colour Code (Toronto) / Dennis McGrath (Los Angeles) / Dirty Flower Press (Berlin) / Doppell (Berlin) / drittel books (Berlin) / Edit e.V. (Leipzig) / Edition Fink (Zurich) / edition.nord (Niigata, Japan) / Éditions Incertain Sens / Cabinet du livre d’artiste (Rennes, France) / Edizione Multicolore (Leipzig) / ENDLESS EDITIONS (New York) / Eugen Gomringer (Rehau, Germany) / Fantôme Verlag (Berlin) / FH Dortmund (Dortmund, Germany) / Flaneur Magazine (Berlin) / Folkwang UdK (Essen, Germany) / Fotograf (Prague) / Frans Masereel Centrum (Kasterlee, Belgium) / FUKT (Berlin) / g*press (Amsterdam) / GAGARIN (Antwerp) / Galavant Magazine (Singapore) / Galerie Neu (Berlin) / Girls Like Us (Amsterdam) / Gloria Glitzer (Berlin) / Grafter’s Quarterly (Bergen, Norway) / Grazer Kunstverein (Graz, Austria) / GRRRR (Zurich) / Hamburger Eyes (Los Angeles) / Hank Schmidt in der Beek (Berlin) / Hard Mag (London) / Haris Epaminonda (Berlin) / Impractical Labor (Bridgeport, USA) / indekeuken (Brussels) / JB. Institute (Berlin) / Journal of Aesthetics & Protest (Los Angeles) / Kerber Verlag (Bielefeld) / KHB Weißensee (Berlin) / Knuckles & Notch (Singapore) / Knust/Extrapool (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) / Kontaktcenter (Hamburg) / KudlaWerkstatt (Prague) / Kultur & Gespenster (Hamburg) / Künstlerhaus Bethanien (Berlin) / Kunstverein Milano (Milan) / Kunstverein Publishing (Amsterdam) / kuš! (Riga, Latvia) / KUTA HOUSE* (Warsaw) / Library of the Printed Web (New York) / Look Back and Laugh Books (Ljubljana, Slovenia) / lorem ipsum (Rennes, France) / Lubok Verlag (Leipzig) / MATERIA (Rome) / MER Paper Kunsthalle (Ghent, Belgium) / MGLC International Center of Graphic Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia) / Miami books (Geneva) / Michael Baers (Berlin) / Michalis Pichler (Berlin) / MIT Press (Cambridge, USA) / Montez Press (Hamburg) / mzin (Leipzig) / nbk (Berlin) / NoRoutineBooks (Vilnius, Lithuania) / Nos:books (Taipei) / Occulto (Berlin) / Onomatopee (Eindhoven, the Netherlands) / ottoGraphic (Marshfield, UK) / Palefroi (Berlin) / par(ent)esis (Florianopolis, Brazil) / Paul Soulellis (New York) / Pegacorn Press (New York) / Peleja (Florianopolis, Brazil) / PogoBooks (Berlin) / possible books (Berlin) / Poster Tribune (Carouge, Switzerland) / PrintRoom (Rotterdam) / Ptohograhpies (Berlin) / Publication Studio (Rotterdam) / Ethan Rafal (San Francisco) / Raum der Publikation (Kiel) / Re:Surgo! (Berlin) / Red Sphinx (Berlin/London) / Red76 (Portland, USA) / Roma Publications (Amsterdam) / Rondade (Tokyo) / Salon du Salon (Marseille) / Salon für Kunstbuch (Vienna) / Sarah and Schooling (Singapore) / Schlebrügge.Editor/Fama & Fortune Bulletin (Vienna) / Scriptings/Achim Lengerer (Berlin) / Sergej Vutuc (Heilbronn, Germany) / shashasha collective (Tokyo/Paris/Leipzig) / SKULPI (Berlin) / slow editons (Yokohama, Japan) / Small Tune Press (Hong Kong) / Space Poetry (Copenhagen) / Spector Books (Leipzig) / springerin (Vienna) / Städelschule (Frankfurt) / Starship (Berlin) / Sternberg Press (Berlin) / Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen Weseburg (Bremen, Germany) / supersupersupersuper (Amsterdam) / Susanne Bürner (Berlin) / TBooks (Cologne) / textem (Hamburg) / TFGC Publishing (Düsseldorf) / TLTRPreß (Berlin) / the blue notebook (Bristol, UK) / the everyday press (Paris) / The Newww (Venice) / The Name Books (Chur, Switzerland) / Elgarafi .The Postershop (Berlin) / Tiny Masters (Leipzig) / Tiny Splendor (Berkeley/Los Angeles) / Toupée (Berlin) / Triangle Books (Brussels) / Ugly Duckling Presse (Brooklyn) / Unity Press (Oakland) / Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther Koenig (Cologne) / Verlag Silke Schreiber (Munich) / Verlak (Weimar, Germany) / Verlag für moderne Kunst (Vienna) / Vlado Martek (Zagreb, Croatia) / von100 (Berlin) / Werkplaats Typografie (Arnhem, the Netherlands) / Westphalie (Vienna) / White Fungus (Taiwan) / wicker industries GmbH & Co. KG (Berlin) / X Marks the Bökship (London) / zero sharp (Berlin) / zirkumflex (Berlin) / ztscrpt (Berlin/Vienna) and many more…
The detailed exhibitor list is available here: http://missread.com
Hispanic Focus:
Adolfo Press (Barcelona) / Autoedita con Alegría (Madrid) / Back Bone Books (Berlin/Mexico City) / Bandiz Studio (Madrid) / Calipso Press (Cali, Columbia) / Casa del Hijo del Ahuizote (Mexico City) / Clandestine (Barcelona/Mexico City) / Do the Print (Barcelona) / Ediciones Anómalas (Barcelona) / FIBRA Casa Editora (Buenos Aires) / Gato Negro (Mexico City) / Las Otras (Santiago de Chile) / Libros Mutantes (Madrid) / Humobooks (Buenos Aires)/ KINK EDICIONES (Barcelona) / Kitschic (Barcelona/Bogotá) / Morena Publications (Barcelona) / RAUM Editions (Salamanca, Spain) / Pupa Press (Santiago de Chile) / Sta Rosa Editora (Buenos Aires) / Ricochet.cc (Leipzig/Buenos Aires) / Rrréplica meeting/encounter/clash of rebellious/disobedient/unruly publishers/editors/printers and duplicators (Mexico City) / Taller de Ediciones Económicas (Mexico City) / TDPapeles (Barcelona)
The poster for MISS READ: The Berlin Art Book Fair 2016 was created by Cia Rinne.
The poster for the Conceptual Poetics Day 2016 was created by Haris Epaminonda.
MISS READ was initiated in 2009 by KW Institute for Contemporary Art, argobooks and Michalis Pichler.
The Akademie der Künste is an exhibition and event location, a meeting place for artists and people interested in the arts, where public debates on art and cultural policy take place. Founded in 1696, the Berlin Akademie der Künste is one of the oldest cultural institutes in Europe. Access is barrier-free.
MISS READ 2016 team
“Director”: Michalis Pichler
Curators: Yaiza Camps, Moritz Grünke, Michalis Pichler
Coordinators: Yaiza Camps, Moritz Grünke
Graphic Design: Moritz Grünke
Press: Sascha Konrad
Coordinator’s Assistant: Ethan Levenson
For further press inquiries please write to presse [at] missread.com.
Special thanks
Cia Rinne; Haris Epaminonda; Eugen Gomringer; AA Bronson; Lawrence Weiner; Nicola Beißner and Johannes Odenthal, Akademie der Künste; Anne Thurmann-Jajes, Zentrum für Künstlerpublikationen Weserburg; Anke Schleper and Gabi Horn, KW Institute for Contemporary Art; BaltoPrint; Christiane Lange, Literaturwerkstatt Berlin; Paola Morán, Secretaría de Cultura Mexico; León Muñoz, Gato Negro; Rosa Velázquez, Christine Steigmiller, Embajada de España en Berlín; HVS Plakat; Kristina Krämer, ZVAB; Daniel Lorch and Aidin Zimmermann, L&Z; Katja Reichard, Pro qm; Chiara Figone, Archive Kabinett; Adeline Manarini, Anagram Books; Drucken Heften Laden; Jordan Nasser, Shannon Michael Cane and Max Schumann, Printed Matter, Inc.; Christian Kaspar Schwarm; Phil Aarons; Egidio Marzona; Til Pörksen; Matthias Bleyl; Franziska Brandt; Misaki Kawabe; John Stezaker.