Under the ashes, embers
July 23, 2022–January 15, 2023
Parque Ibirapuera
Av. Pedro Alvares Cabral, s/nº
São Paulo-São Paulo
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 10am–6pm
T +55 11 5085 1300
During the emblematic period of the bicentennial of the independence of Brazil, the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo will host, from July 23, the 37th Panorama da Arte Brasileira (Panorama of Brazilian Art), which proposes to deconstruct naturalized paradigms in relation to colonial Brazil. As a counterpoint, this year also celebrates the centenary of the Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922 (1922 Modern Art Week), a milestone for Brazilian modernism that brought about vast, new cultural scene, with artists from different regions of the country.
With a diverse curatorial group, consisting of Cauê Alves, Cristiana Tejo, Vanessa Davidson and Claudinei Roberto da Silva, this year’s edition of the traditional Panorama exhibition, entitled Sob as cinzas, brasa (Under the ashes, embers), emphasizes the problems and brutalities of a country that has not yet established itself as a civilization, reflecting this scenario with works by artists of different generations, with ethnic, racial and gender diversity. MAM São Paulo sought to expand its borders in this edition, establishing a partnership with the Museu Afro Brasil, which receives works by two artists.
The exhibition values the pedagogical dimension of art and looks for structural ruptures. Still in a pandemic world, the Panorama proposes to investigate how artists rooted in Brazil have faced the multiple problems caused by the expansionist development model adopted throughout the last centuries.
The curatorial project was based on signs that are subtly linked to embers, as a symbol of resistance but also reflecting an ambiguity of meanings, inviting a diversity of perspectives and lines of investigation. Comprised of 26 artists, this year’s edition features a significant number of new and commissioned works.
List of artists
Ana Mazzei (São Paulo, 1980—lives in São Paulo)
André Ricardo (São Paulo, 1985—lives in São Paulo)
Bel Falleiros (São Paulo, 1983—lives in New York)
Camila Sposati (São Paulo, 1972—lives in Vienna)
Celeida Tostes (Rio de Janeiro, 1929—idem, 1995)
Davi de Jesus do Nascimento (Pirapora, Minas Gerais, 1997—lives in Pirapora)
Éder Oliveira (Timboteua, PA, 1983—lives in Belém)
Eneida Sanches (Salvador, BA, 1962—lives in São Paulo, SP) and Tracy Collins (New Yor, 1963—lives in New York) (LAZYGOATWORKS)
Erica Ferrari (São Paulo, 1981—lives in São Paulo)
Giselle Beiguelman (São Paulo, 1962—lives in São Paulo)
Glauco Rodrigues (Bagé, Rio Grande, 1929—Rio de Janeiro, 2004)
Gustavo Torrezan (Piracicaba, 1984—lives between Piracicaba:, São Paulo and Castanho, AM)
Jaime Lauriano (São Paulo, 1985—lives between São Paulo and Porto, Portugal)
Lais Myrrha (Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, 1974—lives in São Paulo)
Laryssa Machada (Porto Alegre, Rio Grande, 1983—lives in Salvador, BA)
Lidia Lisbôa (Guaíra, Paraná, 1970—lives in São Paulo)
Luiz 83 (São Paulo, 1983—lives in São Paulo)
Marcelo D’Salete (São Paulo, 1979—lives in São Paulo)
Maria Laet (Rio de Janeiro, 1982—lives in Rio de Janeiro)
Marina Camargo (Maceió, Alagoas, 1980—lives in Berlim)
Nô Martins (São Paulo, 1987—lives in São Paulo)
RODRIGUEZREMOR (Denis Rodriguez [São Paulo, 1977—lives in Igatu, Bahia] and Leonardo Remor [Estação, Rio Grande, 1987—lives in Igatu, Bahia])
Sérgio Lucena (João Pessoa, Paraíba, 1963—lives in São Paulo)
Sidney Amaral (São Paulo, 1973—idem, 2017)
Tadáskía (Rio de Janeiro, 1993—lives between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo)
Xadalu Tupã Jekupé (Alegrete, Rio Grande, 1985—lives in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande)