Extended deadline to apply for courses

Extended deadline to apply for courses

Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts

Courtesy Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts.

May 31, 2022
Extended deadline to apply for courses
Extended application deadline: June 15
Program dates: July 18–August 27
Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts
Hohensalzburg Fortress, Arbeitshaus
Mönchsberg 34
5020 Salzburg

T +43 662 842113
Facebook / Instagram / YouTube / #summeracademyAT

The Summer Academy welcomes applications for its exciting 2022 course programme. The programme reflects current intersectional developments in contemporary art practices. This year with a special focus on identity politics and (moving) images in the courses of Ángela Bonadies/Brígida MaestresAnna DaučíkováChristina Dimitriadis, Munem Wasif, and Leon Kahane. Furthermore, the programme is centred around questions of indigenous knowledges and performative and activist practices in the courses of Léuli EshrāghiMałgorzata Mirga-TasAngelo Plessas, Kem School, and Tracey Rose. In addition, approaches to methodological and philosophical reflections will be taught by Maria BussmannJennifer Higgie, and Cosmin Costinas/Inti Guerrero

All courses will be held at the Hohensalzburg Fortress (on-site or online participation). Each year, the Academy invites international artists, curators, collectives, educators, scholars, and writers to serve as instructors for its course programme. In 2022, we are pleased to offer courses under the instructorship of: Ángela Bonadies (Venezuela/Spain) / Brígida Maestres (Spain), Maria Bussmann (Germany/Austria), Cosmin Costinaş (Romania/Hongkong) / Inti Guerrero (Columbia/Hongkong), Anna Daučíková (Slovakia/Czech Republic), Christina Dimitriadis (Greece/Germany), Léuli Eshrãghi (Australia/Canada), Jennifer Higgie (Australia/UK), Leon Kahane (Germany), Małgorzata Mirga-Tas (Poland), Munem Wasif (Bangladesh), Angelo Plessas (Greece), Tracey Rose (South Africa), and many more. 

Information on artistic courses and instructors here

Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Art
Founded in 1953 by renowned Austrian artist Oskar Kokoschka (1886–1980) as the “Schule des Sehens” (school of seeing), the Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts at Hohensalzburg Fortress is the oldest of its kind in Europe. Approximately 20 courses are offered each summer and attended by more than 300 participants from over 50 countries, making the Academy a vibrant venue for international artistic and creative exchange. The Academy offers an open application process to anyone interested, no degrees required; a unique opportunity to study with outstanding international artists, curators, collectives, educators, scholars and writers; devote time exclusively to making art or developing ideas while also learning about and reflecting on art and its discourses; classes based on one-on-one supervision as well as group discussion; stunning historic course environment surrounded by an alpine landscape; public programmes with cultural partners in Salzburg and elsewhere; access to art literature and magazines.

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Salzburg International Summer Academy of Fine Arts
May 31, 2022

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