College of Visual and Performing Arts
200 Crouse College
Syracuse, New York 13244
United States
The Department of Transmedia in Syracuse University’s College of Visual and Performing Arts seeks a highly accomplished, dynamic, and visionary leader to serve as its chair beginning fall 2022. The chair will possess a breadth of scholarship and interdisciplinary creative activity in the film and media arts appropriate for appointment at the rank of associate or full professor with tenure.
Working with an enrollment of approximately 400 majors, 45 full- and part-time faculty, and an administrative team that includes program coordinators as well as support staff, the chair will be responsible for the department’s creative, academic, and strategic leadership and will provide public advocacy for the department at the University, regional, and national levels.
The chair will provide daily oversight of a NASAD and NYSED-accredited professional department of film and media arts that is housed in a Tier-One research university and offers BFA and MFA degrees as well as minors. The chair will maintain regular meeting schedules with faculty and staff and be available for faculty/staff support and assistance; oversee the promotion and tenure process as well as faculty and staff annual reviews; oversee and support recruitment efforts at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; offer student support and assistance as needed; oversee curriculum design, advising, accreditation, assessment, operations, budget, and day-to-day management; and will typically teach one course per semester in the chair’s area of expertise.
Required qualifications
MFA or other related terminal degree or equivalent current experience in the profession at the highest level of accomplishment. Ability to be tenured at the associate or full professor level as demonstrated by a proven record of high-quality creative activity, scholarship, and/or professional achievement. Demonstrated ability to provide administrative, fiscal, and fundraising leadership. Established relationships with critical constituencies and entities (professional/academic organizations, filmmakers, arts organizations, industry leaders, etc.). Ability to oversee the processes of curriculum design, development, assessment, and certification, including meeting the expectations of the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), the New York State Education Department (NYSED), and the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE). Engagement with and knowledge of contemporary art. Expertise using current technology and equipment related to the field. Appropriate regional, national, and international breadth and depth of knowledge of academic programs in film and media arts. Excellent written and oral communication skills, including public speaking. A demonstrated track record of actively contributing to the pursuit of diversity, equity, and inclusion. A record of excellence as a practitioner and teacher with experience developing curriculum for undergraduate majors, minors, and graduate students is desirable. This individual should have experience overseeing departmental administrative procedures and be committed to advocacy and shared governance.
Complete the application online here and submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy statement, diversity statement, links to creative portfolios, and contact information for four references. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until this position is filled. Applicants may contact the search committee chair, Dr. Milton Laufer, mrlaufer [at], with inquiries about the position.
The Department of Transmedia offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in film, computer art and animation, art photography, and art video. The faculty are committed to developing highly skilled professionals, ready to tackle the demands of contemporary art and commerce. Accolades include Number Three Best Photography Degrees (College Choice Rankings), Top 25 film program for the ninth consecutive year (The Hollywood Reporter), and Number 53 Best MFA Programs (U.S. News and World Report).
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Syracuse University is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action institution. The University prohibits discrimination and harassment based on race, color, creed, religion, sex, gender, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression, veteran status, or any other status protected by applicable law to the extent prohibited by law. This nondiscrimination policy covers admissions, employment, and access to and treatment in University programs, services, and activities.