September 3 – November 6, 2005

September 3 – November 6, 2005

Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (GIBCA)

July 14, 2005

More Than This! Negotiating Realities: Goteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art 2005 
September 3 – November 6, 2005

Goteborg Art Museum
Hasselblad Center

Curator: Sara Arrhenius

Press showing: September 2, 11 a.m.
Public opening: September 3, 2 p.m.

Artists: Christian Andersson, Sweden, Fikret Atay, Turkey, Michael Beutler, Germany, Monica Bonvicini, Italy/Germany, Gerard Byrne, Ireland, Miriam Backstrom, Sweden, Runa Islam, Bangladesh/England, Lucia Koch, Brazil, Gabriel Lester, Holland, Ann Lislegaard, Denmark/Norway, Marcel Odenbach, Germany, Adrian Paci, Albania/Italy.

Goteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art takes place for the third time this autumn, a large venue which is unique in Sweden

The curator of this years biennial is Sara Arrhenius, curator and writer. She was previously director of IASPIS (International Artists Studio Program in Sweden), and since January she is the director of Bonnier Konsthall in Stockholm.

Sara Arrhenius has wanted to break with the image of biennials as broad survey of large groups of artists. Instead she has invited twelve artists who have been given the opportunity to develop new projects or to show a number of works. In order to create a common ground for the work on the exhibition she gathered the artists and catalogue writers already in the spring of 2005 for a seminar in Goteborg. The seminar was the starting point for the exhibition that will take physical shape in September in the venues.

The exhibition gathers artists who in various ways, film, installation, performance, audio and painting, investigate and question todays documentary paradigm. They ask about the ideology and rhetoric active behind the images and narratives that we call reality and what these images want to convey to us. Why has one kind of image become so dominant in our culture and what are the alternatives? Is art able to create other languages, images and realities?

Read Sara Arrheniuss conceptual outline in its entirety at

In connection with the exhibition a catalogue will be produced with new essays and interviews with the participating artists.

Writers: Sara Arrhenius, curator, Goteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, Pamela Lee, Professor, Department of Art and Art History, Stanford University, USA, Natasa Petresin, freelance curator and critic, Slovenia, Kim West, writer and editor, Site Magazine, Sweden
Interviews: Niklas Ostholm, assistant curator, Goteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art, Camilla Larsson, coordinator, Goteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art
September 3-4: Discussions with the artists and writers.
During the exhibition period, September 3November 6, an parallel program takes place with seminars, film screenings and special guided tours of the exhibition.

Goteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art is arranged by Goteborg Konsthall under the auspices City of Goteborg Cultural Affairs in close cooperation with Goteborg Art Museum and Hasselblad Center.

The Biennial is carried out with financial support from the Cultural Board in Region Vastra Gotaland, the Regional Development Board in Region Vastra Gotaland, The Foundation Culture of the Future, The Swedish National Council for Cultural Affairs, Trade & Industry Group Goteborg & Co, Swedish Insitute, British Council, the Embassy of Brazil in Stockholm, the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Sweden, IFA – Institut für Auslandbeziehungen, Volvo. Thanks are also due to Events Goteborg & Co, Gothenburg Tramways.

Further information:
Project Manager Ann Bergstrom.
Address: Goteborg Konsthall, Gotaplatsen, SE-412 56 Goteborg, Sweden

RSVP for September 3 – November 6, 2005
Göteborg International Biennial for Contemporary Art (GIBCA)
July 14, 2005

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