In celebration of the Grand Opening on April 29-30, 2006, the new Blanton Museum of Art at The University of Texas at Austin invites you to join us for: Sin Título, 2006
An International Symposium on Latin American Art in a Global Context April | 27 to 29 | 2006
This event is free and open to the public, but advanced registration is required.
For more information or to register, please e-mail
or call (512) 471-8984.
The Program will include:
|| Panel Discussions ||
Integration/Separation: Latin American Art in International Museum Collections
Annette DiMeo Carlozzi | Curator, American and Contemporary Art, Blanton Museum of Art, Austin Virgilio Garza | Head of Latin American Art Department, Christies New York Paulo Herkenhoff | Director, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes, Rio de Janeiro | Brazil Cuauhtémoc Medina | Associate Curator, Latin American Art, Tate | London, UK Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro | Curator, Latin American Art, Blanton Museum of Art | Austin Luis Enrique Pérez Oramas | Adjunct Curator, The Museum of Modern Art | New York
Moderator | Bruce Altshuler | Director, Masters Program in Museum Studies, New York University
Teaching Latin American Art
Jacqueline Barnitz | Professor of Art and Art History, The University of Texas at Austin Tadeu Chiarelli | Professor of Art History, Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil Valerie Fraser | Professor of Art History and Theory, University of Essex | UK Andrea Giunta | Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires | Argentina Edward Sullivan | Dean for the Humanities, Professor of Fine Arts, New York University
Moderator | Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro | Curator, Latin American Art, Blanton Museum of Art | Austin
|| Conversations ||
Art and Politics: Can Artists Really Change the World?
Waltercio Caldas | Artist, Rio de Janeiro | Brazil Gabriel Pérez-Barreiro | Curator, Latin American Art, Blanton Museum of Art | Austin Luis Camnitzer | Artist | New York Antonio Caro | Artist | Bogotá, Colombia Liliana Porter | Artist | New York
Moderator | Beverly Adams | Curator, Bruce and Diana Halle Collection | Scottsdale, AZ
Cristina Freire | Curator, Museu de Arte Contemporânea da Universidade de São Paulo | Brazil Mario Ramiro | Artist | São Paulo, Brazil
|| Presentations | Institutions ||
Cecilia Brunson and Josefina Guilisasti | Incubo | Santiago de Chile, Chile Nicolás Guagnini | Orchard | New York Mauro Herlitzka | Fundación Arte BA | Buenos Aires, Argentina Fernando Schüler | Fundação Iberê Camargo | Porto Alegre, Brazil Rosina Cazali | La Curandería | Guatemala City, Guatemala Roberto Jacoby | Fundación Start | Buenos Aires, Argentina
|| Paralelos: Parallel events ||
Art Palace Presents:
Pod Show | Eduardo Navarro | Buenos Aires, Argentina The Moment that Changed my Life Forever | Peat Duggins | Austin
Fluent~collaborative Presents: testsite 06.1 | The Burden of Decision: Two Exercises on Collaboration Carla Herrera-Prats & Ursula Dávila-Villa
Creative Research Lab Presents: Austin’s Soundtrack | Mario Ramiro | Brazil
In collaboration with Austin musicians
among other exciting events!
This event is free and open to the public, but advanced registration is required.
For more information or to register, please e-mail
or call (512) 471-8984.
Art is connection!
This event is made possible in part by Christie’s, Continental Airlines, and the Blanton Latin American Circle.