[Satellite Garden]
Para que haya fiesta tiene que danzar el bosque
[For there to be a party, the forest has to dance]
July 2–September 26, 2021
Av. de San Sebastián, 10
38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife
This summer TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes is presenting Jardín Satélite [Satellite Garden], curated by Silvia Navarro and Gilberto González, and Para que haya fiesta tiene que danzar el bosque (For there to be a party, the forest has to dance), curated by Michy Marxuach, on view to the public from July 9 through September 26, 2021. Both shows, which operate dialectically, address some of the fundamental issues of our time from diverging perspectives that refer to ideas of natural versus artificial. To this end, we have designed a bespoke circular spatial layout in order to experience TEA as a space to inhabit, integrating the art centre’s El Rectángulo (for performing arts and live activities), its Documentation Centre and Library and thus to rethink its capacity to act as an inhabitable place. Likewise, and following the same idea of occupancy, the TEA Plaza will host a season of music concerts curated by Álvaro R. Fominaya called Sonosfera, borrowing its title from Pauline Oliveros’s notion of the “sonosphere.”
Jardín Satélite [Satellite Garden]
Curated by Silvia Navarro and Gilberto González.
Jardín Satélite [Satellite Garden] addresses the idea of nature as a project, implying that just as there is a modernist project, there is also a naturalist project. Between metaphorical and aspirational, the garden is a space for the sublimation of our complex fantasies of power. A construct of control, a metaphor of a species like ours which, driven by a foundational ego, gives shape to cosmologies of nature. Nature does not exist as such, or merely as a word. The garden however does exist as a historical fiction built in the image and likeness of our desires. Hybrid species, grafted, displaced, tortured, and crossbred, water-stressed or deprived of light with the purpose of obtaining the fruits that satisfy our senses. In the history of art, depictions of the garden represent it as a place that is either threatening or striving after balance. Here we want to focus on it as conflict and as a paradox. An image of total otherness, an example of the pathological relationship between humankind and nature associated with processes of domination both in the biophysical sphere as well as in the human realm. Opposing nature, born as a concept of power, with denaturing.
Artists: Yosi Negrín / Álvaro Urbano / Andrea Carrilo / Michal Bar-Or / Martín Llavaneras / Cristobal Tabares / Marinella Pirelli / Jonas Mekas / Martin Howse / Helena Girón and Samuel Delgado. Except for the film by Marinella Pirelli and the film stills by Jonas Mekas, all the other works are being exhibited for the first time as new commissions by TEA.
Para que haya fiesta tiene que danzar el bosque (For there to be a party, the forest has to dance)
Curated by Michy Marxuach.
Para que haya fiesta tiene que danzar el bosque (For there to be a party, the forest has to dance) wishes to show us how, in a homogenized and geographically disperse world, a determined will, and support structures can help us to combine experiences, objects, ideas, subjectivities, references, and technologies. It responds to the pressing demand of our time but also to engaged commitment and to the possibility of mutual understanding which is increasingly under threat. This toxic discord is not just proper to the present moment but is, and has been, part of the fragmentation strategy inherent to the capitalist system in which we live. One of the core axes of this project is to define ideas on how to combine things together and to speak about what we are doing in order to work towards ways of life that share spaces of health and regeneration instead of destruction. At the bottom, it comes down to a series of questions: How do we arouse generosity and complicity between a multiplicity of processes, between known or yet-to-be known beings so that we can jointly focus on urgencies and get ready for celebration? What do we share, how do we prepare and nourish ourselves? We will transform ourselves and listen to signals and continue to open doors, to make connections for a conversation with the forest and, in this way, to learn together new ways for a transition towards planetary solidarity and the protection of life.
Artists: Carla Zacagnini / Cecilia Vicuña / Chris Marker & Alain Resnais / Dominique Ratton / Ensayos (Christy Gast, Camila Marambio, Rosario Ureta, Alejandra Figueroa, Hemany, Carolina León Valdebenito, Gabriela Mataloni, Nicole Püschel, Antonieta Eguren, Adriana Urciuolo, Bárbara Saavedra, Carolina Saquel, Caitlin Franzmann, Hema’ny Molina, Carla Macchiavello, Denise Milstein, Randi Nygård ) / Florian Dombois / Jochi Melero / Mónica Rodríguez / Onda Corta (Néstor Delgado & Maria Laura Benavente) / Transhemisférica (Jonatan Habib Engqvist, Luis Berríos-Negrón, Maria Kamilla Larsen,Taru Elfving & Michy Marxuach).
Contributors to poster portals project: Adrián Flores / Ernesto Pujol / Daniasa Curbelo / Jenny Perlin / Runo Largomarsino / Ramiro Chaves / Chaveli Sifre / Nikolina Ställborn / Gala Berger / Band of Weeds / Diego del Pozo Barriuso / Alia Farid / Karla Claudio-Betancourt / Nesta / MitiMiti / Lotta Petronela / Eliana Otta / Kristine Strømberg / Alana Iturralde / TVGOV / Mai Ulrikka Sydendal / Sarah Hamilton / Blockadia Tiesfee / Galas Porras Kim / IC-98 / FRAUD / Ela Spalding / Mai Ulrikka Sydendal / Ensayos / Steve Maldonado Silvestrini / Felix Becker / Theis Wendt / Randi Kjær / Matilsha Marxuach / Ágata Gómez / Alba González and others who will continue joining the project throughout the course of the exhibition.
With work from the TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes collection by Andreu Alfaro / José Ramón Anda / María Belén Morales / Joaquín Rubio Camín / Martín Chirino / Esperanza D’Ors / José Luis Fajardo / Jorge González / José Herrera / Walter Marchietti / Aurelia Muñoz / Stipo Pranyko / Eusebio Sempere.
Sonosfera [Sonosphere]
Curated by Alvaro R. Fominaya.
Thomas Köner—July 15,16 & 17 / Jasmine Guffond & Ilan Katin—July 24 / Marta Zapparoli & Liz Allbee—July 31 / Jana Winderen—September 11
Sonosfera [Sonosphere] is a programme dedicated to new experimental music in summer 2021 at TEA. The season of concerts integrates the museum as a resonating space following the legacy of composers like Pauline Oliveros, Alvin Lucier, Steve Reich, and Éliane Radigue. Various spaces in the museum will be added to the planet’s soundscape, incorporating drones, resonances, and field recordings. The programme also explores the connections between music, sound art, and contemporary art. The title of the season refers to the sphere that incorporates all the sounds of the planet as defined by Pauline Oliveros: “all cells of the earth and the body vibrate.”