“Design as Collective Improvisation”
June 6, 2021, 11pm
The organizers of dci2021.org are pleased to announce the organization of “Design as Collective Improvisation,” and are soliciting high-quality papers for the conference. The seminar will be held online in November 2021, and is co-organized by Escuela de Arquitectura y Diseño PUCV (Chile) and UC Louvain (Belgium), with the collaboration of the European research network ARENA.
Architects and seminar organizers Iván Ivelic and David Vanderburgh say: “Design starts from a situation where people, materials, and tools are gathered on a site. On a construction site, co-designing and co-building in real time, all three of these dimensions are important. People interact, speak, work together, and influence each other mutually. Materials are available or not, resist or accede, and ultimately determine what is possible. Tools are essential, and either work with or against our developing purposes.“
We are seeking contributions from architectural and design researchers, academics and professionals that consider one or more of the topics of interest listed below:
–1:1 scale experimentation
–co-designing / co-building
–relations between artistic creation and scientific research
–alternative education methods
–linear vs. circular temporality in design
The scientific committee that will evaluate the proposals in blind peer review is composed of ten recognized European and South American academics: Ana Betancour, Umea, Sweden; Murray Fraser, Bartlett School, UK; Penelope Haralambidou, Bartlett School, UK; Yeoryia Manolopoulou, Bartlett School, UK; David Vanderburgh, UC Louvain, Belgium; Antoine Picon, Harvard, US; Luciana Saboia, Univ. Brasilia, Brazil; Paulo Dam, PUC Lima, Perú; Ana Valderrama, UNR Rosario, Argentina; and Iván Ivelic, PUC Valparaíso, Chile.
The abstract submission deadline will be on June 6, 2021. Please find the submission details here.
For any questions, please send a message to designcollectiveimprovisation [at] gmail.com.