Waves – The Art of the Electromagnetic Society

Waves – The Art of the Electromagnetic Society

HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein

AKE2030, Update {id, signal, latency}, documentation of interactive performances: GARLIC=RICHAIR, RICHAIR2030, PORTA2030, 2008.
Copyright: TAKE2030 2004

May 9, 2008

Waves – The Art of the Electromagnetic Society
A cooperation between Hartware MedienKunstVerein,
Dortmund, Ars Electronica, Linz, and RIXC, Riga
May 10 – June 29, 2008
Opening: Friday, May 9, 2008, 19:00

HMKV in the PHOENIX Halle Dortmund, Germany


In the framework of scene:oesterreich in nrw – 39. internationale kulturtage der stadt dortmund

Concept: Armin Medosch
Curators: Armin Medosch, Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits, Dr. Inke Arns

Wireless communication is, in this day and age, a given in all realms of society. Yet what manner of artistic potential is presented by the electromagnetic waves perpetually enveloping us today? And how might these influence our psyche? From 10 May through 29 June 2008 the Hartware MedienKunstVerein Dortmund (HMKV) is presenting – in cooperation with the Ars Electronica, Linz (European Capital of Culture 2009) and with RIXC, Riga – the exhibition Waves – The Art of the Electromagnetic Society in the PHOENIX
Halle Dortmund.

Waves presents 30 (media) artworks that regard electromagnetic waves not only as carriers of information but moreover as artistic material. The exhibition treats electromagnetic waves as the medium connecting people, nature, and technology – giving rise today to entirely new electromagnetic landscapes.

The range of topics addressed by the exhibition includes both electromagnetic waves with their aesthetic and societal potentials as well as the interplay between industrial waves technologies – such as mobile telephony, WLAN, or Bluetooth – and human social reality. Interpretations by over 35 international artists incite the public to explore and better understand their own electromagnetic environments. Waves is being presented in the scope of the North Rhine-Westphalian festival ‘scene:austria in nrw’.

Artists: Robert Adrian / Norbert Math (AT), Michael Aschauer (AT), Erich Berger (AT), Bureau d’études (F), Jonah Brucker-Cohen (USA), Paul DeMarinis (USA), Evelina Domnitch / Dmitri Gelfand (BY/RU/NL), Mark Fischer (USA), Bulat Galeyev (RU), Joyce Hinterding / David Haines (AUS), Hivenetwork (GB), Derek Holzer (USA), Martin Howse (GB), Luke Jerram (GB), Voldemars Johansons (LAT), Aaron Kaplan / Doron Goldfarb (AT), Jacob Kirkegaard (DK/ D), Bas van Koolwijk (NL), Anthony McCall (USA), Marko Peljhan (SLO), Oskars Poikans (LAT), Julian Priest (NZ), Martins Ratniks / Clausthome (LAT), RIXC (LAT), Scanner (GB), Nina Sobell (USA), Adam Somlai-Fischer (HU) / Usman Haque (GB) / Danil Lundback (SE) / Bengt Sjolen (SE), TAKE2030 (F/GB), Evamaria Trischak (AT), Udo Wid (AT), Franz Xaver (AT).

A comprehensive catalogue (German/English) will be published with contributions by Armin Medosch, Inke Arns, Franz Xaver and others.

In the framework of the exhibition a comprehensive program of events will take place: three workshops with Martin Howse, Derek Holzer and Evamaria Trischak, two film and video screenings. For the schedule of events please see www.hmkv.de

Exhibition venue and opening hours:
HMKV at PHOENIX Halle Dortmund
Thu + Fri 11:00 – 22:00
Sat + Sun 11:00 – 20:00
Hochofenstrasse / corner Rombergstrasse

How to get there / map:


Further venues:

Stadtgarten Dortmund: Sat, May 10, 2008, 11:00
Public Installation of Entschleunigungspunkt 8 Hz (Deceleration Point 8 Hz)
A donation to the city of Dortmund by Udo Wid (AT)

Dortmunder U: On the premises of the Dortmund U (former Union Brewery)
Brinkhoffstr. / corner Rheinische Str., Dortmund-Mitte
May 11 – June 29, 2008; Opening: Saturday, May 10, 2008, 20:00
“Field Amplification” – a “Street Radio” application by Hive Networks (GB), transmitting 24 hours a day, with a radio play, audio works by artists participating in the exhibition “Waves – The Art of the Electromagnetic Society”, an interactive radio channel, radio rental daily 17:00 – 21:00.

Funded by: Sparkasse Dortmund, Der Ministerpraesident des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kulturbuero Stadt Dortmund, The State Culture Capital Foundation (SCCF) Riga, Mondriaan Foundation, dortmund-project, PHOENIX, LEG, RUHR.2010

For press material, please contact Roland Kentrup, kentrup@zk.nrw-online.de

Hartware MedienKunstVerein (office)
Guentherstr. 65
44143 Dortmund
T ++49.231.823106
F ++49.231.8820240


RSVP for Waves – The Art of the Electromagnetic Society
HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein
May 9, 2008

Thank you for your RSVP.

HMKV Hartware MedienKunstVerein will be in touch.


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