March 24, 2021, 7pm
This coming March 24 marks the start of the first session of Videographies. Culture Between the Cameras, a programme of online debates and lectures curated by Remedios Zafra and a coda to the virtual exhibition Reactivating Videographies. This video art project is an initiative by AECID (The Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation) and is organised alongside Spain’s Royal Academy in Rome and the Network of Spanish Cooperation’s Cultural Centres in Latin America, the Caribbean and Equatorial Guinea.
The first online encounter will take place under the title (VIDEO) ART AND ERA (Post-Internet) and explores video art from the changes that have occurred in the cultural and artistic sphere, shining a light on those resulting from living in a connected, excessively visual society, where new value systems are positioned, supported in visibility and conditioned by the market.
This round-table discussion will be held on March 24 at 7pm GMT+1 and will feature the participation of Spanish lecturer and researcher Laura Baigorri; Uruguayan visual artist and curator Jacqueline Lacasa; Spanish curator and researcher José Luis de Vicente; and Argentinian visual artist and curator Gabriela Golder.
Over the course of this two-hour encounter, the speakers will analyse how creative audiovisual works converge, fuse and interrelate in the culture-network and the way in which they are positioned or dilute classic genres from vindication or diffusion. Furthermore, they will touch upon aspects such as the relationship between the industry, platforms and the market, the borders which art institutions can (or cannot) make a case for, and how artistic creation is imagined in the future and the creative showcases to come.
The series Videographies. Culture Between the Cameras is conceived as a one-year narrative (from March 2021 to January 2022) and will take place in an open format. The programme’s second encounter, scheduled for the third quarter of 2021, is titled CREATION AS WORK (Against Insecurity) and will be held in-person and online from the students’ Residency.
The Reactivating Videographies exhibition brings together works that converse from different artistic and curatorial contexts and gazes, where different cultural, aesthetic political and lived experiences intersect. Therefore, the encounters aim to reflect not solely on artistic work, but also on contexts of production and the setting of cultural transformation that issues forth from an irreversibly connected world.
The show, curated by Estíbaliz Sádaba, reflects on video art and its creators, generating a virtual public space which displays the audiovisual work of over 70 artists from Europe and the Americas, plotting a cartography of video artists from a total of 17 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, Equatorial Guinea, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay.
Reactivating Videographies is an initiative that takes place inside the framework of AECID’s VENTANA (WINDOW) Programme, “A Window into Spanish culture,” and seeks to continue propelling, from cultural cooperation, the internationalisation of male and female artists, creators and Spain’s cultural industries, thereby fostering artistic collaboration and networks, primarily through digital mediums.
Laura Baigorri (Barcelona, 1960) is a lecturer at the University of Barcelona and researcher specialised in Art and New Media. She combines her teaching experience with research, critique, curatorship and carrying out different projects for the online environment. Moreover, she has organised a number of seminars and exhibitions on art and new media, and is the creator of El Transmisor, Media Art Network resources (1997–2000) and the CaixaForum DATA.ART (2001–08) Media Library.
Jacqueline Lacasa (1970, Uruguay) is a visual artist and independent curator who was the director of Uruguay’s National Museum of Visual Arts (MNAV) from 2007 to 2009. She also holds a degree in Psychology from ROU University in Uruguay and an MA in Cultural Studies, specialising in Visual Culture, from ARCIS University in Chile. She has curated projects both locally and internationally.
José Luis de Vicente is a curator and cultural researcher who investigates the current and future impact of social and technological innovation through artefacts, objects and narratives that explore emerging social and political scenarios. His projects are markedly anti-disciplinary and create contexts for collaboration and dialogue between artists, designers, architects, technologists, scientists, activists and communities. He is the curator of Sónar +D and founder and co-director of Tentacular, a new festival of Critical Technologies and Digital Incursions at Matadero (Madrid). He is also a member of the programming team for the Llum BCN festival.
Gabriela Goder (Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1971) is a visual artist, curator, lecturer and co-director of the Biennale of Moving Images (BIM). She is also curator of El Cine es Otra Cosa (Cinema Is Something Else), a film and experimental video series at the Buenos Aires Museum of Modern Art. She also creates video work, installations and site-specific interventions, with her works putting forward questions related to memory, identity and the world of work. Moreover, she earned a degree from Universidad del Cine in Buenos Aires and an MA in Hypermedia at Université Paris VIII, Paris, France.
Remedios Zafra (Zuheros, Córdoba, Spain, 1973) is an essayist and head scientist at the CSIC’s (Spain’s National Research Council) Institute of Philosophy. She has lectured in Art, Digital Culture and Gender Studies at the University of Seville and is a teacher-tutor in Social Anthropology at UNED (Spain’s National Distance Education University). Her research work is aligned with the critical study of contemporary culture, feminism, art and creation and identity politics on social media, and she is the author of the books El Entusiasmo. Precariedad y Trabajo creativo en la era digital (2017), Ojos y capital (2015), (h)adas (2013), Un cuarto propio conectado (2010) and Netianas (2005). Furthermore, she has been honoured with Spain’s Anagrama Essay Prize, the Meridiana Culture Award and the Public Prize for Literature. She is currently on the Board of Trustees of Spain’s Royal Academy in Rome.
The encounter will be available on the YouTube channel of The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)
Language: Spanish