Festival for International Contemporary Art
August 26 – September 6, 2009
Strandkai, HafenCity
Hamburg, Germany
info [at] subvision-hamburg.de
Artists’ initiatives from around the world testing new exhibition and mediation formats have been invited to the subvision festival from 08/26 to 09/06/2009 to present their artistic work as well as their very own strategies of presenting and mediating art. 31 artists’ groups, independent project spaces, artists’ archives, and research projects from 19 countries that are developing outside established institutions and disregarding commercial viability will create an exciting and variegated presentation forum with exhibitions, artists’ talks, performances, concerts, readings, and video screenings. A temporary exhibition architecture consisting of shipping containers and scaffolding form an extraordinary frame for an unconventional endeavour. The design of the yet undeveloped “prime cut” of the HafenCity is oriented towards urban planning models, citing them not without irony.
98 weeks research project, Beirut (LB), Artspeak, Vancouver (CA), BALTIC RAW ORG, Hamburg (DE), Barbur, Jerusalem (IL) + Darom, Tel Aviv (IL), Bell Street Project Space, Vienna (AU), CAA/CAA (Contemporary Art Archive/Center for Art Analysis), Bucharest (RO), Chto delat/ What is to be done?, St. Petersburg (RU), De Service Garage + Parachutartists Foundation, Amsterdam (NL) , D.I.V.O Institute, Kolin (CZ), Estación, Tijuana, Tijuana (MX), F.A.I.T. (Foundation Artists – Innovation – Theory), Krakow (PL) in collaboration with umschichten, Stuttgart (DE), Galleria Huuto, Helsinki (FI), Graffiti Research Lab Vienna (vs. Memory9), London (UK), Guestroom, London (UK), Gugulective, Cape Town (ZA), i-cabin, London (UK), Kling & Bang gallery, Reykjavik (IS), Komplot, Brussels (BE), Konsortium, Düsseldorf (DE), Kunst-Imbiss, Hamburg (DE), Mahony, Vienna (AT), N55, Copenhagen (DK), noroomgallery, Hamburg (DE), Para/Site Art Space, Hongkong (CN), Publish and be Damned, London (UK), Sparwasser HQ, Offensive für zeitgenössische Kunst und Kommunikation, Berlin (DE), The Hex, London (UK) in collaboration with Trottoir, Hamburg (DE), The Suburban, Oak Park (US)
Curator: Brigitte Kölle
Artistic director: Martin Köttering
Media Contact:
Sabine Boshamer / Julia Mummenhoff
pressesubvision@hfbk.hamburg.de/ + 49-40-428989-205/-213
subvision is an initiative of the Hamburger Hochschule für bildende Künste in cooperation with the Deichtorhallen and the Hamburger Kunsthalle and is supported by