Connected Cities
Joint Broadcasting Events
27 August – 2 October 2010
Media Facades Panel at
Ars Electronica Festival
6 September 2010
International Video Screening Conference
7-8 September 2010
In cooperation with Ars Electronica Futurelab / Linz, FACT / Liverpool, iMAL / Brussels, Kitchen Budapest, Medialab-Prado / Madrid, m-cult / Helsinki
Networked Possibilities of Urban Screens and Media Facades
MEDIA FACADES FESTIVAL EUROPE 2010 (MFF2010) is an urban media pilot project that interconnects seven European cities through the existing infrastructure of urban screens and media facades sited in public spaces.
Artists and media designers will show especially developed art projects Europe wide, through screenings and Joint Broadcasting Events, for the circulation of cultural exchange. Media facades will be transformed into local stages, connecting public audiences virtually with participating places and opening a global window to create dialogue, to share dreams and exchange ideas.
MMF2010 is based on the success of the MEDIA FACADES FESTIVAL BERLIN 2008, both initiated by Susa Pop / Public Art Lab and Mirjam Struppek / Interactionfield.
Curatorial Programme
The following main curatorial topics have been developed out of the collaboratively selected screening projects. From 27 August to 2 October 2010 each festival day has a special focus on one of the following themes.
∗ Connected Cities: Joint Broadcasting projects that happen simultaneously and interactively across the borders
∗ Urban Activism: Reclaim the Screens! An activist approach to opening screens for the urban community
∗ Human Screens: Human processes are visualised on media facades
∗ Organic Cities: Public Data projects use information resources from the environments and develop a real-time software programme for live streaming
∗ Public Playing: Games designed as an interaction catalyst for the public audience
∗ European Dialogue: Projects that especially support intercultural exchange and connect the local scenes through the media facades infrastructure of the participating cities
∗ Citizens Journalism: Research and participatory projects of local scenes
∗ Recontextualise: A shared video platform on a central server to create local screening programmes
Curatorial Team
Artistic Director
BERLIN: Susa Pop / Public Art Lab
BRUSSELS: Marie-Laure Delaby, Yves Bernard / iMAL
BUDAPEST: Eszter Bircsák / Kitchen Budapest
HELSINKI: Minna Tarkka / m-cult
LINZ: Stefan Mittlboeck / Ars Electronica Futurelab
LIVERPOOL: Heather Corcoran, Patrick Fox / FACT
MADRID: Nerea Calvillo / Medialab-Prado
Shervin Afshar (IR/AT) * Ulu Braun (DE) * Johanna Bruckner (AT/DE) * Mattia Casalegno (IT/BE) * Sini Haapalinna (FI) * Hanna Haaslahti, Pia Lindy, Markku Nousiainen (FI) * Lummo: Mar Canet, Carles Gutiérrez, Javier Lloret, Jordi Puig (ES) * OiOi: Sami Kamppi, Antti Onttonen, Antti Kaukinen, Tuomas Arokanto (FI) * Julian Oliver (NZ/DE) & Danja Vasiliev (RU/DE) * Ann Oren (IL), Zevan Rosser (US) * Yuka Oyama (JP/DE), Becky Lee (US) * Chris O’Shea (GB) * Gábor Papp, Agoston Nagy (HU) * Julius Popp (DE/US) * Nika Radic (HR/DE) * Evan Roth (US/FR) * Antoine Schmitt (FR) * Katrin Schoof (DE) * Heidi Tikka (FI) * Toxic Lesbian (ES) * Emily C. Voelker, Alexandre R. Decoupigny (DE) * VR/URBAN: Christian Zoellner, Patrick Tobias Fischer (DE) * Dan Wilcox (US) * Clemens Wilhelm (DE)
Screens Sites / Media Facades
BERLIN: Centrum Hungaricum, U6 Friedrichstrasse, Nightscreen Gasometer
BRUSSELS: Flagey Screen, iMAL Facade
BUDAPEST: Palace of Arts, KIBU Figs Facade, Lánchíd 19 Design Hotel
HELSINKI: City Wall / Lasipalatsi Square, Gallery Alkovi, City Tourist Office
LINZ: Ars Electronica Center, Tabakfabrik
LIVERPOOL: FACT Facades, BBC Big Screen
MADRID: Medialab-Prado Facade
MFF2010 is supported by the European Commission / Culture Programme 2007-13, DKLB-Stiftung, Senate Department for Economy, Technologies and Women / Project Future Berlin
Public Art Lab Berlin
Artistic Director: Susa Pop
c: 0049 (0)163 391 22 92
Public Relations: Eva Woldrich
p: 0049 (0)30 896 318 12