Open call for audio and images
November 27, 2020–January 8, 2021
Viale delle Belle Arti, 131
00197 Rome
T +39 06 3229 8221
The expression vai pure has multiple senses in Italian. It means something different in each particular context. Its most common meaning is an action of letting go of something or someone. But it can also be interpreted as encouragement or intention to go ahead (and forward), to not stop, to persevere.
In our interpretation vai pure stands for an action of someone who dares, overcomes, persists, goes ahead, goes against the current, moves with determination.
The call Vai pure. Keep going is meant to become an archive of all the courageous and tenacious acts of overcoming, prevailing, persisting.
Vai pure. Keep going is an open call for audio and images. It constitutes the third chapter of the open calls inspired by Carla Lonzi and is part of Women up, the rich program through which the Galleria Nazionale focuses on female gaze and the investigation of feminism. In order to join the open call, we ask you to share—through an audio note and a moving image—personal experiences, as well as desires, aspirations, projects, intentions, or imagery that embody stories of overcoming and give voice to one’s personal vision of the future.
The international jury for the call will be composed of Izaskun Chinchilla Moreno (founder of Izaskun Chincilla Architects and curator of the exhibition Cosmowomen. Places as Constellations), Susanne Pfeffer (curator, art historian and director of Museum für Moderne Kunst in Frankfurt), Cecilia Canziani, Lara Conte and Paola Ugolini (curators of the upcoming exhibition Herstory at the Galleria Nazionale). The audio notes and images selected will be announced during an online event on January 22, 2020 and will become an integral part of the digital projects developed in partnership with Google Arts & Culture.
Practical information
-Vai pure is an open call for audio and image contributions.
-For the audio note you can use voices, sounds, noises, music, etc. You can pair your audio note with a live photo or a gif.
To participate:
1. Record your audio note (duration up to 2 minutes).
2. Combine it, if you wish, with a moving image (in live photo or gif format)
3. Send the audio note, its transcription in the original language and in English, and the image to call [at]
4. Don’t forget to fill in and send the participation form.
You can participate until 11:59pm of January 8, 2021
La Galleria Nazionale
With its 20,000 artworks—paintings, drawings, sculptures and installations—the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome has the most complete collection of modern and contemporary art in Italy. Time is Out of Joint is the title of the new setting of the museum, inaugurated in 2016. The exhibition reflects on the idea of a time that has to be reset through new and unexpected relationships within the symbolic space of the museum. Artworks communicate with one another through assonance, contrasts and cross-reference to stimulate unexpected suggestions and establish a dialogue between present and past.