Galeriestr. 4
80539 Munich
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 12–6pm
Patricia L. Boyd
March through May 2021
Patricia L. Boyd develops her artworks through inquiries into the infrastructures and dynamics of their production and presentation. The works that will be on view in her solo exhibition Hold at Kunstverein München, many of which intervene into the architecture of the gallery spaces, consider the reciprocal relationship between artistic practices and mechanisms of display. The exhibition includes various types of containers and thresholds—both actual and metaphoric—pointing to contradictions that structure psychological and institutional spaces.
Hold is accompanied by a series of events including an online reading by artist Moyra Davey and a film program selected by Boyd featuring works by Pope.L, Carole Roussopoulos and Delphine Seyrig, Helke Sander, among others. The artist’s first comprehensive book, conceived in collaboration with graphic designer Scott Ponik, will be published on the occasion of the exhibition.
The onsite and online series Schaufenster continues this winter with works by Carolyn Lazard and Jenna Bliss. Lazard’s video A Recipe for Disaster draws on footage from the 1970s popular TV broadcast The French Chef—one of the first using open captions for deaf and hard of hearing audiences—to constitute a critical study of the accessibility and barriers imposed by mass media. In The People’s Detox, Bliss uses documentary storytelling to explore the history of a revolutionary drug clinic in New York City in the 1970s that profoundly transformed contemporary notions of health and care.
An online series by Bonner Kunstverein, Kunstverein Nürnberg and Kunstverein München
from February 2021 onwards
Temperatures is a cooperative year-long program of events including talks, readings, concerts, and performances expanding the digital space within the existing infrastructures of the three institutions. The title alludes to temperature as a unit expressing physiological as well as climatic conditions, representing a mixture of substances in balance, or indicating extremes. Temperature is the manifestation of thermal energy, present in all matter, which is the source of heat, a flow of energy, when a body is in contact with another. It is also a metaphor for the relative state of (subjective and political) emotions. The monthly online series emerged from the past year being shaped by a lack of interaction and closeness, and aims to open up new spaces for ideas and perspectives to be exchanged and transformed within a digital framework.
24-hour music program
from May 2021 onwards
Between is a new series departing from music-based practices that temporarily converts the Kunstverein’s exhibition spaces into a stage for international musicians and performers. It takes place in the empty spaces between two exhibitions for the duration of 24 hours and seeks to produce non-linear temporalities. The series commences with producer and vocalist Klein, who is joined by artist Dozie Kanu and musician LA Timpa, among others. The program continues thereafter with DJ and performer Phuong-Dan joined by Jessica Ekomane, Sven-Åke Johansson, Annika Larsson, Museum of No Art, and Laila Sakini.
Writers Residency
The writers residency takes up the tradition of the town chronicler, who used to go from place to place to record the history of local communities and provide a new view of their lived realities. In March and April 2021, the resident will be poet and critic Quinn Latimer, whose work explores feminist economies of writing, reading, and moving-image production. She is following Studio for Propositional Cinema, Alexandra Symons Sutcliffe, and Mahan Moalemi.
Director: Maurin Dietrich
Curator: Gloria Hasnay
Assistant Curator: Gina Merz
For further information, please contact our press office.
Due to the current situation, all dates are subject to change. For updates, please visit our website.