September 5–December 6, 2020
The Moscow International Biennale for Young Art will be held in Moscow for the seventh time from September 5 to December 6, 2020.
The structure of the Biennale consists of 5 programmes / events: Main project / Special projects / Educational programmes / Regional portfolio review / Parallel programmes
The new Commissioner of the VII Biennale for Young Art is Alexey Novoselov. The Board of Experts of the VII Moscow International Biennale for Young Art: Anna Zhurba / Andrey Egorov / Alexandra Rudyk / Yulia Aksenova / Alisa Savitskaya / Marina Bobyleva / Victoria Mikhelson / Iaroslav Volovod / Daniel Bulatov / Ekaterina Kibovskaya
The Main Project of VII Moscow International Biennale for Young Art will be presented in two parts.
The first part will start on September 5 and will present the results of the open call for site-specific works for internal facades of the Museum of Moscow. The Board of Experts selected 4 projects out of 370 applications from 64 countries: Screen settings by Alisa Omelianceva (Russia/Austria), I look at you, you look at me by Igor Samolet (Russia), Screen by Roma Bogdanov (Russia) and Untitled (All are slightly different) by Alina Glazoun (Russia).
Out of time by Sasha Pirogova (Russia) received a special mention from the Board of Experts. The work will be implemented with the Biennale support and presented in November 2020.
The second part of the Main project will take place from November 5 to December 6 in the Museum of Moscow and will present the results of international open call for curators. 4 projects from 112 applications from 26 countries were selected by The Board of Experts: I don’t know whether the Earth is spinning or not. by Lizaveta Matveeva and Francesca Altamura (Russia and USA), Personal Places//Archival Spaces by Giulia Morale and Sterre Barentsen (Italy/UK and Germany/Netherlands), Forbidden Body Language by Elza Abdulkhakova (Russia).
The project Our worlds on strike! by Abhijan Toto (Thailand/South Korea/India) will be shown as a special project at the MMOMA Education Center in the spring 2021.
The architectural concept for the Main project will be developed by Bureau CHVOYA (St. Petersburg).
The VII Moscow International Biennale for Young Art will host 9 special projects created in collaboration with art institutions.
Three special projects will be held in September:
The first special project—the collaboration with the blazar Young Art Fair, a satellite of the Cosmoscow international art fair. The project will be held in the Museum of Moscow from September 9 to 13. At the fair, a special section will feature works by international artists from the Biennale’s Main project, participants of the November exhibition. The blazar fair will also select one of the artists from the Main project to participate in the next year’s exhibition.
From September 14 to October 11, the VII Biennale for Young Art together with Cube.Moscow will initiate a project-platform “Support Group” for self-organized initiatives from Moscow. The project will become a place for meetings and exchanges between various independent young art representatives, selected by curators Anna Zhurba and Sergey Babkin. Participants will present various programmes, from discussions to concerts.
On September 15, the third special project—a one-day online performance Soap Opera created specifically with the GROUND Solyanka gallery within the project Solyanka stream.
The programme of special projects will continue with the exhibition The Map of Human Nature in collaboration with ROSIZO, an interdisciplinary project-laboratory together with Voznesensky Center, a series of projects with Moscow City Galleries Network at 9 art venues and the annual exhibition of young art “Workshop 20’20” devoted to “Homo communicare” theme, which will be held in the MMOMA Education center.
The final projects of the special programme will take place in the Main project space at the Museum of Moscow in November: an educational participatory project curated by the Moscow International Experimental Film Festival and the music programme of the Biennale.