This is week 5 of the very friendly take-overs from the future, currently running on:
Arts of the Working Class
We expect more hacks soon. The hacks are an attempt to spread information. Information from the future. Facts, real facts. Having skin in the game, we want to reach out and involve others. The others: Humans and non-humans—animals and plants, robots and…
“Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.” Master Yoda is here to help. The wise Jedi of unmistakable syntax. From the perspective of 2038, we can say: Yoda right is! “Always with you what cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say? You must unlearn what you have learned. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.”
Come Watch! Watch more!
So far with:
Blaise Agüera y Arcas, Andrés Arauz, Diana Alvarez-Marin, Mara Balestrini, Severin Bärenbold, Sandra Bartoli, Diann Bauer, Jan Bauer, Erik Bordeleau, Francesca Bria, Vera Bühlmann, Vint Cerf, Tobia de Eccher, Cosimo Flohr, Yona Friedman, Jan-Peter Gieseking, Olaf Grawert, Fabrizio Hochschild-Drummond, Helene Hegemann, Ludger Hovestadt, Pan Hu, Jennifer Jacquet & Becca Franks, Mitch Joachim, Claudia Kessler, Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou, Lukas Kubina, Ray Kurzweil, Cedric Libert, Suhail Malik, Hilary Mason, V. Mitch McEwen, James Meadway, Omoju Miller, Evgeny Morozov, Caroline Nevejan, Joanna Pope, Denis ‘Jaromil’ Roio, Meghan Rolvien, Christopher Roth, Daniel Schönle & Ferdinand Ludwig, Deane Simpson, Audrey Tang, Iris van der Tuin, Jeanne Tremsal, Marcus Vesterager, Julian Wäckerlin, E. Glen Weyl, Mark Wigley, and Tirdad Zolghadr.
Past hacks:
See you again again again next week with more more more!