“New Serenity” does not mean that we smile and hold hands all the time. No no, don’t worry, in 2038, we are still arguing. Sometimes we’re even yelling at each other. We also fight. There are still bad people around, but, and this is crucial: we look much more optimistically into the future. And, unlike 10 or 15 years ago, we are not constantly afraid that the world will end next month.
The New Serenity is contagious but healthy at the same time. No joke. It’s like E.Glen Weyl said recently: “It’s like in Star Trek. People are still messed up and imperfect and all sorts of bad things happen. But it’s also clearly a much better world. In some pretty profound and radical ways. But there’s no sense in which we’ve reached anything like Nirvana.”
How we got to this New Serenity? Come watch!
This week’s takeovers:
So far with:
Blaise Agüera y Arcas, Diana Alvarez-Marin, Mara Balestrini, Severin Bärenbold, Jan Bauer, Francesca Bria, Vera Bühlmann, Vint Cerf, Tobia de Eccher, Cosimo Flohr, Yona Friedman, Jan-Peter Gieseking, Olaf Grawert, Fabrizio Hochschild-Drummond, Helene Hegemann, Ludger Hovestadt, Pan Hu, Jennifer Jacquet & Becca Franks, Mitch Joachim, Claudia Kessler, Sénamé Koffi Agbodjinou, Ray Kurzweil, Cedric Libert, Suhail Malik, Hilary Mason, V. Mitch McEwen, Omoju Miller, Evgeny Morozov, Caroline Nevejan, Joanna Pope, Denis ‘Jaromil’ Roio, Meghan Rolvien, Christopher Roth, Daniel Schönle & Ferdinand Ludwig, Deane Simpson, Audrey Tang, Iris van der Tuin, Jeanne Tremsal, Marcus Vesterager, Julian Wäckerlin, E. Glen Weyl, Mark Wigley, and Tirdad Zolghadr.