The Earth seen from the Moon
June 11, 2020, 10am
Viale Alemagna, 6
20121 Milan
On June 11, 2020, from 4pm to 8pm Italian time (from 10am to 2pm New York City local time), the second symposium of Towards the XXIII International Exhibition of Triennale Milano, entitled The Earth seen from the Moon will take place. The symposium is part of a three-appointment series that, addressing some key issues of our present, will lead to the definition of the theme of the XXIII International Exhibition to be held in 2022, aiming at resuming the proactive approach that has characterized Broken Nature, the XXII International Exhibition (March 1-September 1, 2019), curated by Paola Antonelli.
Decentralizing our point of view, looking at the Earth from Space, has helped us to understand how to rebalance our relationship with nature and other living species. It has helped us to understand that life flows seamlessly among all the plant and animal species of Planet Earth. The great challenge opened up by the pandemic, but also earlier by the climate crisis and global warming, therefore poses a problem of species responsibility not only with respect to the risk of extinction, but with respect to the complex of life forms present in this part of the Universe.
After the extraordinary experience of Broken Nature, which anticipated many of today’s current issues in the world, Triennale Milano began on March 4—with a symposium where scholars, curators, scientists have illustrated their research activities and the impact they have on current and future society—a wide-ranging reflection on the future of life on Planet Earth and the forms of contemporary cultural production, which aims at gathering around itself a selection of the best international institutions of culture, art, design, scientific research. The aim is to help create a network of places and institutions with Triennale Milano as a leading proponent.
The discussion, which takes place at a delicate moment when some countries are approaching the reopening after the health emergency, will develop starting from the analysis of some key issues, ranging from Stand apart to understand to A new Anthropocene, from Fragility as awareness to The legacy of the pandemic to the idea of A new culture for a new world.
The symposium will be held in English and will be broadcast in live streaming on Triennale’s YouTube and Facebook channels and will be attended by: Stefano Boeri, President, Triennale Milano; Dimitri Kerkentzes, General Secretary, Bureau International des Expositions; Ersilia Vaudo Scarpetta, Astrophysicist and Chief Diversity Officer, ESA European Space Agency; Giovanna Melandri, President, MAXXI; Hou Hanru, Artistic Director, MAXXI; Bartolomeo Pietromarchi, Director, MAXXI Arte; Grazia Quaroni, Director of Collections, Fondation Cartier pour l’art contemporain; Hans Ulrich Obrist, Artistic Director, Serpentine Galleries; Bettina Korek, CEO, Serpentine Galleries; Bernd Scherer, Director, Haus der Kulturen der Welt; Panos Mantziaras, Director, Fondation Braillard Architectes; Matthew Claudel, MIT Urban Planning; Paola Antonelli, Senior Curator of Architecture and Design and Director of Research & Development, The Museum of Modern Art; Li Xiangning, Tongji University; Ben Ware, Co-Director of the Centre for Philosophy and Visutal Arts (CPVA), King’s College, London; Joni Baboci, General Director, Planning and Urban Development, City of Tirana; Giovanni Fosti, President, Fondazione Cariplo; Marina Ponti, Global Director, UN SDG Action Campaign; Nico Daswani, Head of Arts & Culture, World Economic Forum.
After the speakers’ presentations, the final part of the event will be devoted to an open discussion.
Through this approach, Triennale Milano aims at making the process of identifying the theme and the curator of the XXIII International Exhibition participated and shared.
On July 11, 2020 the third symposium of Towards the XXIII International
Exhibition of Triennale Milano will take place, which will be dedicated to the themes of social justice and equal rights.
The Institutional partners Eni and Lavazza and the Technical Partner ATM support Triennale Milano.
Follow the live coverage of the symposium at this link: