March 5–7, 2020
Academieplein 1
6211 KM Maastricht
Hours: Monday–Friday 9am–5pm
T +31 43 350 3737
During Open Studios, the Jan van Eyck Academie artists, designers, architects, curators and writers will present what they have been working on over the past residency year, filling the building, its studios, labs, gardens, and public spaces to the brim with exhibitions, presentations, performances, and more. The focal Open Studios exhibition The Wall at the End of the Rainbow is curated by participant Natasha marie Llorens.
You are most welcome to join us for our annual Open Studios on:
March 5 and 6, 12–5pm Preview Days
March 6, 5–7pm Public Opening
March 7, 10–5pm open to the public
Follow the program:
Participants of the Open Studios 2020:
Alaa Abu Asad (PS) / Anna Ihle (NO) / Anna Moreno (ES) / Antonio Bermúdez (CO) / Asako Iwama (JP) / Audrey Large (FR) / Christopher Meerdo (US) / Dana Venezia (IL/IT) / Elisa van Joolen (NL) / Elise Eeraerts (BE) / Ellie Kyungran Heo (KR) / Erica Petrillo (IT) / Femke de Vries (NL) / Giovanni Bellotti (IT) / Jonathan Castro (PE) / Jorgge Menna Barreto & Joélson Buggilla (BR) / Kent Chan (SG) / Kristina Sedlerova-Villanen (FI) / Lotte Reimann (DE) / Lyndon Barrois Jr. (US) / Maiko Jinushi (JP) / Domenico Mangano & Marieke van Rooy (IT & NL) / Marielle Chabal (FR/NO) / Marjet Zwaans (NL) / Martin Groch (SK) / Marwan Moujaes (LB) / Mat Do (GB/NL) / Mehdi-Georges Lahlou (FR/MA) / Natasha marie Llorens (FR/US) / Niina Tervo (FI) / Parasite 2.0 (IT/BE) / Raja’a Khalid (AE) / Saeeda Saeed (SA) / Shana Hoehn (US) / Tatiana Istomina (RU) / Youngeun Sohn (KR)
Writers and poets:
Frank Keizer (NL) / Laura Broekhuysen (NL) / Nina Polak (NL) / Persis Bekkering (NL) / Rosa Braber (NL)