Jozef Kluyskensstraat 2
9000 Ghent
Application deadlines first round of 2020
English Master programs & Advanced Master in Contemporary Music: March 20
Postgraduate Curatorial Studies: April 30
Postgraduate Digital Storytelling: April 17
Postgraduate in music: March 20
Bachelor Digital Design and Development: June 26
The Royal Academy of Fine Arts (KASK) and the Royal Conservatory constitute the school of arts of University College Ghent and Howest. The school brings talented and motivated students together with outstanding educators, active artists, designers and theorists in art and design from all over the world. The mission statement of the school defines its main tasks: development of the arts, education and research in an international perspective.
Our master’s programs are laboratories of work and ideas where instructors and promoters stimulate rather than direct their students. As a student, your own process is at the center. The varied range of artistic disciplines in the Royal Academy and the Royal Conservatory makes for mutually inspiring and relatively open training programs. As transdisciplinarity in the arts becomes ever more important, there is room for cross-fertilization in your training program. In addition, you will be introduced to some of the numerous theoretical and artistic research projects our lecturers are engaged in. The dissertation stimulates you to deliberately examine and formulate themes important to your work as an artist or a designer. We offer English master programs in the visual arts, audiovisual arts, drama and music. There are no differences in curricula, competences, learning outcomes or organization between the English programs and their Dutch counterparts.
We offer a varied range of postgraduate programmes: curatorial studies, digital storytelling, musical performance practice and soloist classical music. As from 2020–21 students can also apply for the English bachelor program of Digital Design and Development in Courtrai. Please find more information on
Our main campuses are at the epicenter of Ghent, the cultural capital of Flanders. Ghent is very receptive to the international art scene and is especially welcoming to students. In addition to being embedded in this artistically rich environment, the school itself is a cultural actor organizing exhibitions, concerts, festivals, weekly lectures and daily film screenings.
Our English programs include:
–Master of Visual Arts (one year):
Fine Arts (Painting, Drawing, Sculpture, Installation Art, Media Art, Performance) / Textiles Design / Fashion / Photography / Graphic Design (Graphic Design, Printmaking, Illustration) / Autonomous Design
–Master of Audiovisual Arts (one year):
Animation Film / Film
–Master of Drama (one year)
–Master of Music (two years):
Performing Music: Classical Music / Performing Music: Jazz and Pop Music / Composing –Music: Music Production / Composing Music: Composition / Composing Music: Composition for Screen / Musical Instrument Making / Music theory and notation (Dutch only)
–Bachelor in Digital Design and Development (three years)
Our advanced programs include:
–Advanced Master in Contemporary Music (two years)
–Postgraduate Soloist Classical Music (one year)
–Postgraduate Musical Performance Practice (one year)
–Postgraduate in Digital Storytelling (one year)
–Postgraduate in Curatorial Studies (one year)
–European Postgraduate in Arts in Sound (EPAS) (one year)
More info about the orientation tests: Master and advanced master programs / Postgraduate programs / Bachelor in Digital Design and Development
If you have any questions about your application for the master, advanced master or postgraduate program or if you are interested in joining a student exchange programme with KASK & Royal Conservatory, feel free to contact us: (master, advanced master and postgraduate programs) / (exchange programmes) / T 003292433610 / jynse.cremers [at] (bachelor digital design and development)