July 3–August 30, 2019
Curated by Jérôme Sans and Dina Baitassova
The word “Kazakh,” appears in the 13th century, to signify the “free man,” the “wanderer” (nomad) or the “exiled”; it means a free individual who had left his people for freedom. The spirit of nomadism and freedom shared by the artists is the guiding thread of the exhibition which aims to raise awareness on the dissonances of a changing world and its contemporary mirages.
Racing the Galaxy brings together 20 artists from 15 countries, enriching each other and creating a new intercultural dialogue.
The exhibition deals with the gradual dissolution of dichotomies between East and West, in the era of global communication and the confrontation and melting of cultures, referencing the idea that artistic forms travel, mingle and enrich each other, from one continent to another. Built around the concepts of instability, change and mutation, Racing the Galaxy gathers experiences, territories, continents and people. It reveals the ambivalence of migrating artists and motionless travellers, always taken between different states, different positions.
Racing the Galaxy evokes the impermanence of things, social, political, economic, aesthetic rules and convenes all artistic forms. It embodies the plurality of the contemporary artistic scene facing the new challenges of the contemporary world such as globalization, multiculturalism, identity, gender, minorities, the quest for the future, the instability of perception and preconceived ideas as well as the appropriation of history. These artists lucid and informed by their multiple displacements and by their mastery of new technologies, set up speculative fictions, investigation and diversion strategies, mapping aesthetically social and political problems.
:mentalKLINIK, Askhat Akhmediyarov, Aika Akhmetova, Joel Andrianomearisoa, Babi Badalov, Mircea Cantor, Vajiko Chachkhiani, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Leandro Erlich, Choi Jeong Hwa, Ange Leccia, Almagul Menlibayeva, Gulnur Mukazhanova, Anvar Musrepov, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Dagoberto Rodríguez, Aziza Shadenova, Thukral & Tagra, Wang Du, Wang Yuyang
Palace of Peace and Reconciliation (Pyramid):
57, Tauelsizdik avenue, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Palace of Independence:
52, Tauelsizdik avenue, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
Opening: July 3, 2019
Press contacts
Sylvia Beder, sylvia [at] sylviabeder.com; T +33 645 01 88 03
Béatrice Martini, info [at] beatricemartini.com
Madina Urazmbetova, pr [at] astanaartshow.com; T +7 708 944 08 97