Application deadline: April 10, 2019
8 bis quai Saint-Vincent
Les Subsistances
69001 Lyon
Hours: Monday–Friday 8am–8pm
T +33 4 72 00 11 71
The École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon (ENSBA Lyon), a public establishment for cultural co-operation created in 2011, is a higher education establishment of excellence. With a dynamic approach in terms of its artistic and cultural policies, and an open consideration of international, national and local issues (notably in its on site relationship with the association Des nouvelles Subsistances), aware of the historicity of practices and deliberately attentive to contemporary realities, it provides teaching and training in Art and Design (Space, Graphic and Textile) to 350 students, and delivers national qualifications with grades of Bachelor (DNA) and Master (DNSEP) as well as an in house degree with a Bac+8 level (DRSA)—to this can be added two post graduate programs: an international program in Art and a new interdisciplinary program that has been developed with the ENSATT (École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Techniques du Théâtre) and the CNSMD (Conservatoire National Supérieur Musique et Danse).
Employing 120 agents, including 60 professors, and with an operating budget of 8.3 million euros, the establishment also incorporates two annex sites, a preparatory school for entry to higher schools of art with 60 students and a department of amateur art classes with 870 registered users.
A recognized professional from the field of contemporary creation, with strong relational aptitudes and a strong capacity to lead groups and projects, the candidate is known for:
-their dynamic nature
-their capacity to work in close relation with national and territorial tutelage structures
-their ability to mobilize multi-disciplinary teams around projects which deal with education, research and experimentation in art and design.
-their significant professional experience at a comparable level of responsibility, a deep knowledge of the world of higher education and of research in the creative fields.
In the PDF: Principal missions and activities, skills required, contract conditions, recruitment procedure (applications must be made in French).
Consisting of a CV and a letter of motivation, should be addressed to the President of the Ensba Lyon before April 10, 2019 at the following address: ENSBA 8 bis quai Saint-Vincent –69001 Lyon FRANCE or by e-mail to: recrutement [at]