Volume 21, Number 1
Announcing the arrival of the fall 2018 issue and X-TRA’s new look!
The new print design has “the seriousness of a journal and the loudness of a magazine,” says our designer Becca Lofchie. Order your copy to see Becca’s playful re-imagining of the pages of X-TRA, or subscribe now and get the whole volume.
In the issue:
Soft Talk: Thoughts on Critique
by Leslie Dick
Danh Vo: Take My Breath Away
by Travis Diehl
Kim Schoen: The Hysteric’s Discourse
by Georgia Lassner
Artist’s Project
Clay baby spodomancy
by Kaari Upson
Relational Undercurrents: Contemporary Art of the Caribbean Archipelago and Circles and Circuits: Chinese Caribbean Art
by Anuradha Vikram
Floor Plans: Pieter, PAM, and Machine Project
by Meg Whiteford
Tea for Three Plus One: Conversation with Simone Forti, Steve Paxton, and Yvonne Rainer
by Simon Leung
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X-TRA is a quarterly contemporary art journal based in Los Angeles and founded in 1997. Edited by a collective of artists and writers, X-TRA publishes expansive features, historical essays, commissioned artist’s projects, interviews, columns, and substantive reviews.
Visit x-traonline.org to read, shop, donate, and find submission guidelines.
Contact us: editors@x-traonline.org
X-TRA is published by the nonprofit Project X Foundation for Art & Criticism, which is generously supported by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, National Endowment for the Arts, Isambard Kingdom Brunel Society of North America, Michael Asher Foundation, VIA Art Fund, Pasadena Art Alliance, The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission, City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs, California Arts Council, the Center for Cultural Information and our patrons and subscribers.