October 17–18, 2018
1001 Longwood Road
Kennett Square, Pennsylvania 19348
United States
Two days, 22 scholars and practitioners, one great garden of the world
Join us for Designing Water, a major symposium on October 17–18, 2018 where international scholars and practitioners will convene at Longwood Gardens to share local perspectives and global interests and concerns surrounding the relationship of design and water across time, space, and scale. A collaboration between the American Academy in Rome and Longwood Gardens and led by chief curator Julia Czerniak, Designing Water is intended for professionals interested in and involved in the designing, planning, and managing of water systems in the landscape.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Captive Waters: About Myths Past, Present and New
By Christophe Girot, Professor and Chair of Landscape Architecture at the Architecture Department of the ETH, Zürich
Tour of the Main Fountain Garden
By Paul B. Redman, President and CEO of Longwood Gardens
Welcome reception and dinner
In Longwood’s grand 4.5-acre conservatory and an illuminated fountain performance to follow
Thursday, October 18, 2018
By Paul B. Redman, President and CEO of Longwood Gardens, and Mark Robbins, President and CEO of the American Academy in Rome
Pleasure, People, and Other Populations
Discussion led by Dorothée Imbert, Professor, Hubert C. Schmidt ‘38 Chair and Section Head, Landscape Architecture Section, Knowlton School, Ohio State University and case studies presented by Kate Orff, Founder and Design Director of SCAPE Landscape Architects, Associate Professor and Director, Urban Design Program, at Columbia GSAPP; Mary Margaret Jones, President and Sr. Principal, Hargreaves Associates; and Georges Descombes, Professor of Architecture, University of Geneva; practicing architect, Geneva. Response by Nina-Marie Lister, Associate Professor, Ryerson University. Q&A to follow.
American Marvel: Longwood’s Legacy in the New World
by Adriaan Geuze, Design Director and Founding Partner of West 8 and Colvin Randall, P.S. du Pont Fellow of Longwood Gardens
Shaping Civic Space: Challenges of the Anthropocene
Discussion led by Anita Berrizbeitia, Professor of Landscape Architecture and Chair of the Department of Landscape Architecture, Harvard Graduate School of Design and case studies presented by: Kongjian Yu, Dean of the School of Landscape Architecture at PKU, Founding Partner, Turenscape; Kristian Koreman and Elma van Boxel, ZUS (Zones Urbaines Sensibles); and Tilman Latz, Partner & Design Director, LATZ & Partner. Response by Mason White, Associate Professor, University of Toronto. Q&A to follow.
Technology, Innovation, and the Future
Discussion led by Michael Lee, Professor in the History of Landscape Architecture, University of Virginia and case studies presented by: James Corner, Principal, James Corner Field Operations; Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, Associate Professor, Landscape Architecture Program, City College of NY; and James A Garland, AIA, NCARB, Founder & President, Fluidity Design Consultants. Response by Charles Waldheim, Professor and Director, Office for Urbanization, Harvard Graduate School of Design. Q&A to follow.
Roundtable discussion: The Potentials of Water
Moderated by Julia Czerniak, Associate Dean and Professor, Syracuse Architecture with panelists Christophe Girot, Dorothée Imbert, Anita Berrizbeitia, and Michael Lee, as well as Paul B. Redman and Mark Robbins.
Register now for Designing Water. Seating is limited, and advance registration is required. 199 USD (99 USD for students).