Without a market, no-one would make art

Without a market, no-one would make art

Art + Argument

February 8, 2011

Without a market, no-one would make art

Hubert Bächler, Claudia Groeflin, Garrett Nelson and Nadia Schneider debate artists’ motivation and the ideal art market

17h, 20 February 2011
(followed by the finissage of ‘Oneself as Another’ with Joel Croxson, Luzia Hürzeler and Sam Porritt 18 – 21h)

K3 Project Space
Maag Areal
Hardstrasse 219
CH 8005 Zürich

The teams must oppose or defend the motion, and each team member has five minutes to argue their case uninterrupted. After that speakers challenge each other and the audience may in turn question the speakers. The event will end with a vote for the more persuasive team.

This is a forum for discussing culture where the unspeakable may be said. Each speaker must play his or her assigned role, regardless of whether they agree or not. Speakers benefit from temporary immunity: what they say during the debate is not necessarily their opinion and they cannot be held to their word afterwards.

Art + Argument is an itinerant event bringing together exciting minds from the Swiss art scene and beyond. To know more, write to aoiferosenmeyer(at)gmail.com or visit artandargument.blogspot.com.

RSVP for Without a market, no-one would make art
Art + Argument
February 8, 2011

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