Michael Craig-Martin combines images of common objects—such as light bulbs, chairs, umbrellas, globes—with everyday words like YES, PLAY, ART, and IDEA. The relationships between image and word often have familiar correlations, though can be deliberately ambiguous too, allowing for open-ended associations.
Michael Craig-Martin has created the limited edition print, Love/Glove (2011) exclusively for Counter Editions. Inspired by his current series of ‘rhyme paintings’ in which he rhymes a word with a single image, this six-colour screen print features a pink glove overlaid with the word ‘love.’ The wordplay between ‘love’ and ‘glove’ and the simplicity of the rhyme between word and image allows for multiplicity of meaning. It is this opportunity to create meaning and speculate that, says Craig-Martin, “is one of the best things about any work of art.”
Founded in 2000 Counter Editions commissions and produces prints and multiples by leading contemporary artists including John Baldessari, Rebecca Warren, Peter Doig, Roni Horn, Tracey Emin, and Chris Ofili.
44a Charlotte Road
(+44) 020 7684 8888
Image courtesy of Counter Editions and the artist.