abc art berlin contemporary 2012

abc art berlin contemporary 2012

ABC Art Berlin Contemporary

Claire Fontaine, Capitalism Kills (Love), 2008.
August 10, 2012

13–16 September 2012
Opening: 13 September 2012

Station Berlin
Luckenwalder Straße 4–6
10963 Berlin, Germany

abc art berlin contemporary will take place from September 13th–16th at Station Berlin, located in the Berlin neighbourhood of Kreuzberg, and is also now a partner in the newly founded Berlin Art Week. This year the organizers have invited 127 galleries from 19 countries. While in past years the selection of artworks was based on an overarching theme, this year galleries have been asked to submit their own positions. abc’s innovative fair format was developed by Berlin galleries with international galleries in mind, encouraging them to present individual positions in contemporary art from around the world in Berlin. The selection and compiling of works was the responsibility of abc organizers and selected curators. Participating galleries will not be presenting their program, but rather acting as producers for their artists.

For abc 2012 Artists Space, New York, has curated an adjunct program that focuses on an expanded field of cultural production and discourse. At the heart of this program is a “bazaar”—an area devoted to organizations, projects, and initiatives that are engaged in forms of cultural production and circulation distinct from the conventional gallery system, such as designers, publishers, fashion houses, and record labels. Further contributions are a series of keynote lectures taking place over the course of the weekend, and interventional projects by Metahaven and Mexicali Rose that exist within the space of abc. These curated platforms highlight a discourse around forms of organizing and acting at the line between aesthetics and politics.

Furthermore abc is excited to host the fourth edition of MISS READ, Berlin’s annual Independent Publishing Festival at the premises. This year MISS READ has invited international publishers and artists to show their artist books parallel to abc. Presenting a selection of about 80 of the most active contributors in this field, this edition provides the rare opportunity to encounter and explore the contemporary scene of independent publishing.

2P Contemporary Art Gallery / Galerie Mikael Andersen / Andrae Kaufmann / Arndt / Arratia, Beer / Athr Gallery / Galerie Guido W. Baudach / Johan Berggren Gallery / Galleri Bo Bjerggaard / Blain Southern / blank projects / Boers-Li Gallery / Isabella Bortolozzi Galerie / Bourouina Gallery / BQ / Galerie Buchholz / Buchmann Galerie / Capitain Petzel / Carbon 12 / Carlier | Gebauer / Charim Galerie / Mehdi Chouakri / Galleria Collicaligreggi / Contemporary Fine Arts / Galerie Crone / Croy Nielsen / dépendance / Galerie Anselm Dreher / Duve Berlin / Egeran Galeri / Galerie Eigen+Art / Elastic / Galerie Frank Elbaz / Figge von Rosen Galerie / Konrad Fischer Galerie / Galerie Thomas Fischer / Galleria Fonti / Carl Freedman Gallery / Galerie Cinzia Friedlaender / Frutta / Galerie Christophe Gaillard / Galerie Gebr. Lehmann / Laurel Gitlen / Grey Noise, Dubai / Grieder Contemporary / Galerie Karin Guenther / Galerie Jochen Hempel / Galerie Max Hetzler / Hidari Zingaro / Gallery Hyundai / Ibid Projects / Johnen Galerie / Galerie Kadel Willborn / Galerie Kamm / Georg Kargl / Kavi Gupta Gallery / Kicken Berlin / Klemm’s / Klosterfelde / Christine König Galerie / Johann König / KOW Berlin / Kraupa-Tuskany / Andrew Kreps Gallery / Galerie Krinzinger / Krobath / Krome Gallery / Galerie Bernd Kugler / Tim Van Laere Gallery / Tanya Leighton Gallery / Lullin+Ferrari / Lüttgenmeijer / Mary Mary / Galerie Christine Mayer / kamel mennour / Meyer Riegger Berlin / Galerie Mezzanin / Monitor / Galerie nächst St. Stephan Rosemarie Schwarzwälder / Nature Morte Berlin / Galerie Neu / neugerriemschneider / Galerie Nordenhake / Galerie Opdahl / Maureen Paley / Peres Projects / Tanja Pol Galerie / Galerie Eva Presenhuber / PSM / RaebervonStenglin / Renwick Gallery / Reception / Aurel Scheibler / Esther Schipper  / Schleicher/Lange / Galerie Micky Schubert / Galerie Thomas Schulte / Gabriele Senn Galerie / Galleria Suzy Shammah / Sies + Höke Galerie / Société / Sommer & Kohl / Soy Capitán / Sprüth Magers Berlin London / Stevenson / Jacky Strenz / Supportico Lopez / Svit / Gallery Taik / The Third Line / Galerie Barbara Thumm / Galerie Wilma Tolksdorf / Sassa Trülzsch / Rob Tufnell / Gallery Isabelle van den Eynde / VeneKlasen Werner / Vilma Gold / Galerie Tanja Wagner / Galerie Barbara Weiss / Wentrup / Kunsthandel Wolfgang Werner Bremen/Berlin / Barbara Wien Wilma Lukatsch / xavierlaboulbenne / Alex Zachary Peter Currie / Żak | Branicka / Galerie Susanne Zander / Zero /
Galerie Zink

13 September
11–6pm: Professional preview
6–9pm: Official opening

14 September: 12–8pm
15–16 September: 12–7pm

Organisation Office: Christiane v. der Osten

Press: BUREAU N, Ulrike Bernhard

RSVP for abc art berlin contemporary 2012
ABC Art Berlin Contemporary
August 10, 2012

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