Bedford Press is pleased to announce the first ebooks to be released by the Architectural Association (AA), London.
The Civic City Cahier series, edited by Jesko Fezer and Matthias Görlich, provides material for a critical discussion about the role of design for a new social city, presenting short monographic texts by authors who specialise in urban and design theory and practice, including Gui Bonsiepe, Neil Brenner, Tom Holert, Margit Mayer, Jamie Peck, Erik Swyngedouw and Nik Theodore. The full series of five cahiers is now available in ebook format, including the out-of-print editions 1 and 2.
Available worldwide on Amazon Kindle and Apple iBookstore from 4.94 GBP.
Bedford Press was initiated by the Architectural Association in 2008 as a publishing imprint that seeks to develop contemporary models of publication practice, building upon the AA’s renowned legacy of independent publishing. As an imprint of AA Publications, Bedford Press publishes books at the intersection of architecture, visual art, graphic design and theory. Bedford Press draws on the cultural activity of the AA but also seeks to broaden this discourse through collaborations and partnerships with institutions, arts organisations and individuals.
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