Guggenheim Public Programs
April 4–28, 2018
1071 5th Ave
New York, NY 10128
30th Annual Hilla Rebay Lecture: Irit Rogoff
Wednesday, April 4, 6:30pm
A writer, teacher, curator, and organizer, Irit Rogoff works at the intersection of contemporary art, critical theory, and emergent political manifestations. In this lecture, she explores the “research turn” within art and curating—how research has moved from being in contextual activity that grounds the production and exhibition of art to a mode of inhabiting the art world in its own right. In the Visual Cultures Department at Goldsmiths, University of London, Rogoff heads the Curatorial/Knowledge PhD program and the Global Arts MA program. A reception follows.
Free. RSVP for updates. Seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning 30 minutes before the event.
The Hilla Rebay Lecture brings distinguished scholars to the Guggenheim Museum to examine significant issues in the theory, criticism, and history of art.
Eighth Annual Robert Rosenblum Lecture:
Terry Winters in Conversation with Lisa Phillips
Tuesday, April 17, 6:30pm
Artist Terry Winters and Lisa Phillips, Toby Devan Lewis Director of the New Museum, discuss the provocations and scholarship of Robert Rosenblum, whose embrace of various “tastes” and whose inclusive vision have been integral to both of their practices. The conversation will take Rosenblum’s provocative positions as starting points to look at his canon-shifting legacy, painting’s possibilities today, and Winters’s work within the expanded field. A reception follows.
Free. RSVP for updates. Seating will be available on a first-come, first-served basis beginning 30 minutes before the event.
The Annual Robert Rosenblum Lecture honors the wide-ranging career of Robert Rosenblum (1927–2006), former Guggenheim Swid Curator of 20th-Century Art, and Henry Ittleson, Jr. Professor of Modern European Art, New York University.
Artist Talk
Danh Vo
Friday, April 27, 6:30pm
Enjoy this special opportunity to hear directly from Danh Vo as he reflects on his artistic practice. The program concludes with an exhibition viewing and reception and is presented in conjunction with Danh Vo: Take My Breath Away on view through May 9, 2018.
Danh Vo: Take My Breath Away
Saturday, April 28, 4pm
In a series of afternoon presentations, scholars Joshua Chambers-Letson (Northwestern University), Patricia Falguières (School for Advanced Studies in Social Sciences [EHESS], Paris), and Tom McDonough (SUNY Binghamton) provide readings of Danh Vo’s multivalent artistic practice as reflected in their research. Includes museum entry at the conclusion of the program.
Tickets. Free for students with RSVP.
All listings above are programs of the Sackler Center for Arts Education. For education funders, visit our website.
The Annual Hilla Rebay Lecture is made possible by The Hilla von Rebay Foundation.
The Annual Robert Rosenblum Lecture is facilitated by the donors to the Robert Rosenblum Fund who are gratefully acknowledged for their generosity.
Funding for Danh Vo: Take My Breath Away is provided by Art Mentor Foundation Lucerne. Additional support is provided by the Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the Obel Family Foundation, the Jacques and Natasha Gelman Foundation, Beckett-Fonden, and the Danish Arts Foundation.
The Leadership Committee for this exhibition is gratefully acknowledged for its support, with special thanks to Mara and Marcio Fainziliber, Cochairs; Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson; Marian Goodman Gallery, New York, London, Paris; kurimanzutto, Mexico City; Robert Soros; Faurschou Foundation; Inigo Philbrick and Francisca Mancini; The Pritzker Traubert Foundation; Murray Alexander Abramson; Peter Bentley Brandt; Galerie Buchholz, Berlin/Cologne/New York; Galerie Chantal Crousel, Paris; Xavier Hufkens; The Jamil Collection; Naomi Milgrom and John Kaldor; Charlotte Feng Ford; and Thea Westreich Wagner and Ethan Wagner.
The catalogue for this exhibition is supported by the New Carlsberg Foundation.