Vol 2: “Noir Radical”
In this second volume of FOLIO: Journal of African Architecture, published by the Graduate School of Architecture, University of Johannesburg, we are seeking submissions from architects, urbanists, academics, practitioners and students across a range of related disciplines which address the idea of “radical” in three main areas: Radical Discourse, Radical Discipline and Radical Development. Guest Editors Professor Mark Olweny (Uganda Martyrs University); Professor Iain Low (University of Cape Town) and Professor Caroline Wanjiku Kihato (University of Johannesburg) will work together with Editor-in-Chief Prof Lesley Lokko (Graduate School of Architecture, University of Johannesburg) to select 21 essays/projects across the three categories. We welcome all forms of submission, from visual to design-research led and traditional forms of scholarship. We particularly welcome emerging and diasporic voices, reiterating FOLIO’s commitment to encouraging and advancing scholarship on African issues beyond the continent’s geographical and disciplinary boundaries.
In all three categories, we are seeking 300-500 word abstracts that engage with the idea of “radical.” For a more in-depth understanding of what “radical” may mean in each category, please visit our website, or e-mail the editors: Mark Olweny (molweny [at] umu.ac.ug); Iain Low (iain.low [at] uct.ac.za); Caroline Wanjiku Kihato (ckihato [at] mweb.co.za); Lesley Lokko (llokko@uj.ac.za)
In each category, seven abstracts will be selected for further development and subjected to a two-stage process of blind review. We look forward to a robust set of challenging interpretations and propositions.