Application deadline: February 1, 2018
The MFA study programme trains artists to be independent, active contributors to the field of contemporary art. The programme aims to foster a critical engagement with the questions related to an artist’s individual practice, as well as provide contextualisation, dialogue and challenge in a supportive environment. The Oslo National Academy of the Arts offers excellent workshops and production facilities, which provides stimulating conditions for artists interested in experimentation and developing their practice.
Duration: two years, full time studies (120 credits)
Free tuition for international students apart from a small administrative fee
There are five strands to the Master’s programme:
–independent work, with a focus on studio work and individual supervision
–group critique, in which the work is discussed collectively
–practical and theoretical seminars/workshops, including courses and study trips addressing various themes
–writing practice, including art-related writing and publication
–exhibition practice in the school’s galleries or at other venues and sites
Our staff is made up of renowned artists and curators whose own professional practice informs their work as teachers:
Faculty: Jeanette Christensen, Kristian Øverland Dahl, Rike Frank, Gard Olav Frigstad, Dora Garcia, Felix Gmelin, Stian S. Grøgaard, Ane Hjort Guttu, Saskia Holmqvist, Maryam Jafri, Bouchra Khalili, Maria Lind, Dirkjan van der Linde, Michael O’Donnell, Mike Sperlinger, Tris Vonna Michell, Jan Verwoert, Susanne Winterling
Dean: Stine Hebert
Postal address:
Postboks 6853
St. Olavs plass
0130 Oslo