Application deadline: February 15, 2018
The Faena Prize is a building block of our ethos, and an example of our lasting commitment to multidisciplinary cultural production as the core and heart of the Faena District. We aim to identify and support the newest, boldest and most cutting-edge artists from around the world.
–Alan Faena, Founder and President of Faena Group.
The international nonprofit organization Faena Art announces the open call for the 2018 Faena Prize for the Arts. A biennial international juried prize, the Faena Prize for the Arts recognizes artistic experimentation, encourages post-disciplinary and temporal exploration, and promotes inquiry of the multiple links between art, technology and design. This year’s open call aims to summon multidisciplinary artists from across the world to imagine site-sensitive works that rethink performance and time-based practices, in dialogue with the physical and symbolic space of the Faena Art Center Buenos Aires while engaging with the cultural and urban conditions of the city of Buenos Aires. Projects that highlight the potential crossovers and synchronicities between the two spaces and two cities of the Faena District may ultimately be eligible for exhibition in both spaces. The winning proposal will be produced for exhibition at Faena Art Center Buenos Aires in 2019 and, if appropriate, may be exhibited at the Faena Forum Miami Beach.
Project proposals should be submitted online at by February 15, 2018.
Under the coordination of Ximena Caminos, Chair and Artistic Director of Faena Art, the 2018 selection jury will include: Carlos Basualdo, Chair Faena Circle and Keith L. and Katherine Sachs Senior Curator of Contemporary Art, Philadelphia Museum of Art; Andrea Bellini, Director of the Centre d’Art Contemporain Genève; Anita Dube, artist and curator of the Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2018, Pablo León de la Barra, Curator, Latin America, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, and curator of the exhibition for the 2016 Faena Prize winner Roger Hiorns; and Franklin Sirmans, Director of Pérez Art Museum Miami. The advisor to the Faena Prize is curator Jesús Fuenmayor.
Considered one of the most prestigious art prizes in the Americas, Faena Prize winners are awarded a total of 75,000 USD; 25,000 USD of which is allocated to the artist in unrestricted funds with a 50,000 USD budget for production to realize their proposal. The resulting work will be exhibited at the Faena Art Center Buenos Aires with the possibility of being adapted for Faena Forum Miami Beach. Two special mentions will also be awarded, each with a 1,000 USD prize.
While maintaining the open call, the Prize also features a Nominating Committee that will include fourteen curators and museum directors from around the world. These nominations will be anonymous and will be reviewed by the Faena Prize jury along with all open call submissions.
The Nominating Committee will include: Carla Acevedo-Yates (Assistant Curator, Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum, USA); Fernanda Brenner (Artistic Director, Pivô, Brasil); Cosmin Costinas (Executive Director and Curator, Para Site, Hong Kong); José Diaz (Curator, The Andy Warhol Museum, USA); Elvira Dyangani Ose (Senior Curator, Creative Time, USA); Marina Fokidis (Founding and Editorial Director of South as a State of Mind Journal Greece); Juan Gaitán (Director, Museo Tamayo, Mexico); Natasha Ginwala (Curator and writer, India); Rita González (Curator and Acting Department Head, LACMA, USA); Teresa Iarocci Mavica (Director, V-A-C Foundation, Russia); Sharon Lerner (Curator, Museo de Arte de Lima MALI); Lucrecia Palacios (Curator, MALBA, Argentina); Claire Tancons (Curator, Sharjah Biennial 14); and Christine Tohmé (Director, Ashkal Alwan, Lebanon).
About Faena Art
Faena Art is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that houses and produces post-disciplinary and time-based experiences. A catalyst for innovative, site-specific, and immersive creative practices, Faena Art is a transformative bridge across the Americas, between the south and the north, the popular and the experimental, activism and research. Faena Art fosters new models for performative social interaction that transcend the traditional boundaries of art, science, philosophy, and social practice. Ximena Caminos is Chair and Artistic Director of Faena Art.