April 9–June 10, 2017
Pieter Baststraat 35H
1071 TV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Hours: Wednesday–Saturday 1–6pm
Kunstverein: “See something that means something.”
It’s time to renew our vows.
Start fresh.
We’re not going to Hawaii. We’re staying in Amsterdam, but we’re holding the ceremony at our new location. We enter together the pink and blue living room of a Hollywood ex-porn star. Think gold, shag, keyboards, candles; think domestic pleasures, salon tenderness.
Welcome to this year’s members-only Salon Hang.
Please join in a feast of you and your things; your pictures, objects, books, magazines, records, vases, pieces of strange cutlery, odd watches, paintings, and anything zebra. In a place transformed into a plush, domestic residence where one can sit and listen to live music, recitals, poetry readings, and drink and talk amidst a variety of artworks.
Kunstverein’s Salon Hang “brings together, unifies, weds, and combines the sacred with the profane, the lofty with the low, the great with the insignificant, the wise with the stupid.” (Andy Warhol)
Salon Hang marks a very special time of year: the time to celebrate its members*. Please welcome, amongst others: Maria Barnas, Marja Bloem, Tim Braden, Sarah Crowner, Valentina Desideri, JL Diantus, Maartje Fliervoet, Melissa Gordon, Roos Gortzak, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Juliette Jongma, Lieven Lahaye, Kara Hamilton, Marc Hollenstein, gerlach en koop, Germaine Kruip, Gabriel Lester, Glenn Lewis, Matthew Robert Lutz-Kinoy, Raimundas Malasauskas, Mevis & Van Deursen, Maureen Mooren, Lisa Oppenheim, Laura Pappa, Will Peck, Adam Pendleton, Alexander Ramselaar, Smari Runar Robertsson, Christine Roland, Benjamin Roth, Lotte Schöder, Maaike Schoorel, Berend Strik, Jay Tan, Nora Turato, Andy Warhol, Felix Weigand, Riet Wijnen, Robert Wilhite, Luc Windaus, Bruno Zhu…
*Kunstverein is a space that crosses culturally varied ground, on an intimate, ambitious, and domestic level. Kunstverein is a not-for-profit organization, which, through the support of its members, creates a community that endorses a distinct program. By being a member of Kunstverein you stake a claim to wanting to ”see something that means something.” As a member, you participate in KV’s program, receiving priority for limited seating at events, special previews, access to members only happenings (like Salon Hang), discounts on publications, and other cultural benefits.
And so what have we been doing lately?
We’re working on new publications through Kunstverein Publishing—The Joke Book comes out this spring, followed by our anonymous and pseudonymed in-house magazine Ginger&Piss (volume 3), as well as Valentina Desideri’s Hand Reading Studies. We’re gathering research for a historical Alphabet Book and launching a series of e-novels (in collaboration with Metropolis M) that we can tell you more about later. We’re co-hosting Spring Performance Festival curated by Geo Wyeth in April, and Anna Banana, an exhibition initiated by Kunstverein Toronto, is upcoming in late summer. We are also excited to announce a collaborative booth with Gallery Juliette Jongma at the Amsterdam Art Fair—we’re testing new boundaries, because not to is boring.
And now that we have your attention, we would also like to announce something called Friday Walks. We don’t want to call them marches. No one has to wear any particular color or carry any placard. We just want to start walking, as a means of making concerns visible.
Every Friday we meet at 5pm (in Amsterdam, at Hazenstraat 28) and walk for 30 minutes. Let’s see where this takes us. Please be welcome and invite people you would like to walk with, bring snacks and or drinks. Our next walk is on Friday, March 31.
Friends in Berlin, London and Ghent will also be walking this month. Please feel free to email us with questions about logistics, or if you would like to get in touch with Fridays Walkers in these cities. At the end of the walk, and as a means of echoing this activity, we would like everyone to post one image on Instagram, #FridayMarches.
Kunstverein wishes to thank its (Gold)members and we are extremely happy to announce the support of Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, as well as Ammodo.