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SFAI’s School of Interdisciplinary Studies is accepting applications for 2007-2008 Degree Programs
SFAI’s School of Interdisciplinary Studies prepares students to be engaged world citizens_—_as creative thinkers, artists, activists, curators, and visionaries. Students are challenged to move away from a typically and canonically Western, chronological, and stylistic focus toward a global perspective that emphasizes conceptual and comparative approaches.
Contemporary discourse on art and culture is increasingly informed by a broad spectrum of fields and theories, as well as the intersections of artistic practice and critical theory. At SFAI the curriculum is drawn from courses in both the School of Interdisciplinary Studies and the School of Studio Practice, providing many opportunities for interaction, engagement, and collaboration among the students and faculty of both schools. Dean Okwui Enwezor leads a distinguished faculty of 130 that includes Hilton Als, Bill Berkson, Brett Cook, Allan deSouza, Claire Daigle, Trisha Donnelly, Amy Ellingson, Stephanie Ellis, Ernie Gehr, Dean of Graduate Studies Renée Green, Doug Hall, Mildred Howard, Alfredo Jaar, George Kuchar, Jon Lang, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Tony Labat, Henrik Lebuhn, Lizzetta LeFalle-Collins, Reagan Louie, Krista Lynes, John Rapko, Brett Reichman, Meredith Tromble, Barbara Vanderlinden, Henry Wessel, Hans Winkler, and others.
Academic programs are further enhanced by an outstanding roster of visiting artists and scholars, and an exhibition program that serves as a testing ground for the development of large-scale projects as well as initiatives of younger curators and other activists. Cao Fei, Paul Chan, Teddy Cruz, Sergio De La Torre and Vicky Funari, Harrell Fletcher, Judith Hopf, Rem Koolhaas, Anthony McCall, Tony Oursler, Retort, Beatrix Ruf, Sarkis, Trinh T. Minh-ha, Anne Wagner, and Akram Zaatari are among the 60 visitors for 2006-2007.
The EXHIBITION AND MUSEUM STUDIES curriculum comprises curatorial models, exhibition systems, institutional mediation, and education, and addresses such topics as historical preservation, heritage management, the ethics of trade in antiquities, and the complex issue of cross-cultural and cross-disciplinary curating involving works understood as primarily ethnographic, anthropological, and archaeological. Hou Hanru, Chair
SFAI’s program in HISTORY AND THEORY OF CONTEMPORARY ART provides an in-depth and critical understanding of the history of the ideas, conditions, institutions, and discourses that surround contemporary art and culture, and that inform the study, interpretation, analysis, and exhibition of art today. Jeannene Przyblyski, Chair
The URBAN STUDIES program offers a studio- and research-based curriculum developed specifically to address the contributions of art, artists, and researchers to the understanding and shaping of the subjectivity of the city. The broad vision of the program allows you to design your own course of study. Robin Balliger, Chair
For more information about these and other programs offered at SFAI, as well as information about how to apply, please see http://www.sfai.edu or e-mail [email protected]