Deadline for application: 13 May 2011
Interviews: 6 – 10 June 2011
Coordination: Catherine Quéloz, head of the programme, Pierre Hazan, Gene Ray, professors.
Professors / Contributors: Andy Bichlbaum, Giairo Daghini, Sylvain Froidevaux, Marina Griznic, Christian Marazzi, Angela Melitopoulos, Yves Mettler, Nils Norman, Claire Pentecost, Nathalie Perrin, Gregory Sholette,
Bettina Steinbruegge.
TRANS is addressed to art students wishing to further their research and to explore the fields of transmission from the basis of their own artistic standpoint. Dedicated to contemporary forms of transmission through art, it places the artistic project at the centre of a programme which combines personal work, joint questioning and the sharing of experiences. Individualised tutoring and workshops led by invited artists encourage students to affirm their own artistic language. Through partnerships with cultural and educational institutions, students carry out artistic and/or héritage communication projects and intervene in a practical manner with different publics in an association or institutional environment. TRANS also opens the way to teacher training.
Coordination: Claude-Hubert Tatot, head of the programme, Jean-Luc Manz and Vincent Kohler, professors.
Professors / Contributors: Emmanuelle Antille (artist, Lausanne), Dejode et Lacombe (artists, Berlin), Céline Duval (artist, Paris), Lang/Baumann (artists, Burgdorf), Hélène Mariéthoz (service culturel, ville de Lancy), Margaret Pfenninger (musées de Strasbourg), Olivier Py (author and producer, Paris), Fabienne Radi (artist, Genève), Emmanuelle Ramu (actress, Lausanne), Corinne Rondeau (journalist in France Culture and professor at Université de Nîmes), Doïna Rusillon (museologist, Genève), Nika Spalinger (artist, Zürich), Andrea Thal (artist and founder of Les Complices in Zürich), Alexia Turlin (artist, Genève), David Vaughan (Merce Cunningham Dance Company, New York), Gisèle Vienne (choreographer, Paris), Maxa Zoller (images theoretician, Berlin)…
WORK.MASTER is addressed to students-artists who wish to broaden and develop their practical work within a framework which promotes a transversal approach, multiple perspectives and crossdisciplinary collaboration. Combining research and artistic practice (individual, collaborative or collective), the programme is structured around the realisation of full-scale personal projects. The programme gives students the opportunity to contextualise their work through real life artistic interventions (in the public space, exhibitions, publications, radio programmes…). For WORK.MASTER, art is above all “in action”.
Coordination: Laurent Schmid, head of the programme, Christian Besson and Marie-Antoinette Chiarenza, professors.
Professors / Contributors: Delphine Bedel (artist and curator, Amsterdam), Yann Chateigné (curator et critic, Genève), Mathieu Copeland (curator and publisher, London), Lili Reynaud Dewar (artist, Paris), Lina Saneh (producer and actress, Beirut), Samuel Gross (curator, Genève), Christophe Kihm (critic, Paris), Pierre Leguillon (artist, Paris), Valérie Mavridorakis (critic, Genève), Markus Miessen (architect and theoretician, Berlin / London), Mai-Thu Perret (artist, Genève), Daniel Suter (curator and artist, Berne), Frédéric Wecker (philosopher and critic, Paris)…
Practical information
Language: The Research-Based Master Programme CCC is bilingual French/English. Teaching on the WORK.MASTER and TRANS Masters courses is mainly in French.
Duration: 4 semesters (full-time)
Credits: 120 ECTS
Qualification awarded:
Master of Arts HES-SO in Fine Arts
– major CCC
– major TRANS
Required qualifications:
• Higher education Bachelors degree (HES, Higher education school or university) or equivalent
• Professional experience deemed equivalent.
Fees: CHF 500.- per semester
Deadline for application: 13 May 2011
Interviews: 6 – 10 June 2011
Start of the academic year: 19 September 2011
Admission requirements, procedures and application forms are available at
Geneva University of Art and Design
15 Bd James-Fazy, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
Phone +41 22 388 51 00, Fax +41 22 388 51 59
[email protected],