Multi-Site exhibition: September 20, 2012–January 6, 2013
Regional programs: September–December 2012
Conference: September 19–24, 2012
Albuquerque, New Mexico
The conference takes place at multiple sites, based at:
The Albuquerque Museum of Art & History
2000 Mountain Road NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104
T 505 243 7255
The Multi-Site Exhibition is based at both The Albuquerque Museum of Art & History and 516 ARTS:
516 ARTS
516 Central Avenue SW, Albuquerque, NM 87102
T 505 242 1445
Satellite venues:
Anderson-Abruzzo Albuquqerque International Balloon Museum
New Mexico Museum of Natural Hisory & Science
Richard Levy Gallery, Rainosek Gallery, UNM School of Architecture & Planning
Alvarado Urban Farm
This September 19–24, the world of art, science and technology come together in Albuquerque, New Mexico for a 6-day, international conference, kicking off a season-long exhibition and public programs. 516 ARTS and partners present ISEA2012 Albuquerque: Machine Wilderness, the 18th International Symposium on Electronic Art, exploring the discourse of global proportions on the subject of art, technology and nature.
The ISEA2012 title “Machine Wilderness” references the New Mexico region as an area of rapid growth and technology within vast expanses of open land, and presents visions of a more humane interaction between technology and wilderness in which “machines” can take many forms to support life on Earth. Machine Wilderness focuses on creative solutions to the challenge of advancing technology while sustaining the global natural environment.
Over 100 artists and 400 presenters are coming from 30 countries to present and/or exhibit at ISEA2012. The International Symposia on Electronic Art have become the most important academic gatherings on electronic art worldwide, bringing together the worlds of art and science. The next conferences will be in Sydney, Australia and then in Dubai. Don’t miss this expansive, international event in the United States for the first time in 6 years.
Register today! The ISEA2012 website walks you through the registration process. You can also sign up for pre-conference field trips around New Mexico, such as the Spaceport and special private tours with artists, including to the renowned Star Axis work of land art by Charles Ross.
During the conference, Laurie Anderson, icon of the electronic art and music world, performs her brand new show DIRTDAY! and gives a keynote talk. David Moss (Germany), performs Hyperglyphyx, a solo performance on the edges of technology featuring voice, electronics, stories and FTL (faster than logic) communication. Composer Christopher Marianetti and choreographer Mary Margaret Moore perform Symphony 505, in which low rider cars become the instruments of a new music and dance work. As music emanates from the cars’ internal sound systems, the cars become like a vehicular orchestra. Coco Fusco speaks on the panel “Technotopia: The Colonization of the Body as the Ultimate Frontier,” about the use of technologies to problematize the Southwestern border of the United States. Kwende Kefentse (Canada) and Tahir Hemphill speak on how Hip Hop culture and music have been transformed by technological innovations. Chip Lord speaks about his part in the Ant Farm Collective and the creation of Cadillac Ranch, and addresses transportation, media and land art. That’s just to name a few!