25, 26, 29 June, 2013
Goleb, Studio Salve / Zina, Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (SMBA) / Hakata Senpachi
“Spitting out the most intimate and the most irretrievable, the most naturalized source language (or so-called mother tongue), is a dare, it is dangerous, but it also starts a whole process of re-embodying and re-appraisal of language’s spaces.”
–Caroline Bergvall
noa language school is an art project initiated by artist Mounira Al Solh and curator Angela Serino. noa is attempting to create a different approach to language education, starting from the experience of living (in)between two or more languages.
noa language school is led by artists who invite the public to learn or unlearn existing or artificial languages, as a means of exploring and creating other selves and an alternative sense of community. At noa language school you can learn to share your mother tongue with foreigners—or learn to unshare it when necessary. noa allows you to explore the use and comprehension of languages from different sides and positions. Throughout the various sessions that make up this three-day school, artists will stage expert talks to train the ear of Dutch people listening to the broken Dutch spoken by immigrants; a writer and an artist invite us to intimately learn Arabic words by describing the sounds with the help of an Italian opera singer; and Moroccan ladies will physically train us, moving our jaws to help us repeat the words they use to describe Dutch people.
With: Ahmet Öğüt (The Silent University), Anna Dasovic & Sarah Jones, Angela Serino, Esther Kempf, Fadi El Tofeili, Francesco Bernardelli, Grupa Spomenik / The Monument Group (Jelena Petrovic & Jelena Vesic), Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Marianna Maruyama, Marie Frampier, Martine Neddam, Mounira Al Solh, and Nicoline van Harskamp.
noa language school is a travelling initiative. On each occasion, the school will take place in a different city and country, thus dealing with a different mother tongue versus other foreign languages. The first edition is taking place in Amsterdam on 25, 26 and 29 June 2013.
Attendance of the school’s activities is free and open to everyone. However, we kindly ask you that you reserve by sending an email to [email protected].
For more detailed information on noa language school‘s sessions, artists’ presentations and film screenings, please visit our website: www.noalanguageschool.org.
noa language school is an art project initiated in 2012 by Mounira Al Solh and Angela Serino, and supported by a research grant from the Mondriaan Fund.
noa language school Amsterdam is made possible by the financial support of Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst, SMBA, Squat Deluxe.
In cooperation with Goleb, Zina, Studio Salve and the Silent University.