November 12, 2013–February 9, 2014
Museu de Arte Brasileira─Salão Cultural FAAP
Rua Alagoas, 903–Higienópolis
São Paulo/SP
Hours: Tuesday–Friday 10am–8pm;
Saturday, Sunday and holidays 1–5pm
T +55 (11) 3662 7198
Considered a reference in contemporary art, the Art Annual—a visual art exhibition created for the students of Fundação Armando Alvares Penteado (FAAP)—celebrates its 45th edition this year.
The exhibition includes works produced by 27 students selected by a committee formed by professionals from the art circuit including artists, researchers, critics, curators and professors of the Faculdade de Artes Plásticas of FAAP. In each edition, two independent artists are invited to participate. This year Anaísa Franco and Daniel de Paula were chosen. The artists will present works created during Cité des Arts, an artist in residence program in Paris sponsored by FAAP since 1997.
“The strategy of having a guest artist—someone that maintains or has maintained a relationship of teacher or student with the Faculdade de Artes Plásticas—expands the opportunity of possible dialogues between the creation of current visual arts students with professionals that are inserted in the art world,” says professor Marcos Moraes, curator of the exhibition. Created and organized annually by FAAP since 1964, it is seen as one of the most traditional and enduring exhibitions compared to others in the city of São Paulo, playing a prominent role nationwide. André Komatsu, Flavia Junqueira, Graziela Kunsch, Guilherme Peters, Lia Chaia, Marcela Tiboni, Marcelo Cidade, Marcius Galan, Mariana Palma, Maurício Ianês, Mauro Piva and Rodolpho Parigi are some of those who have previously participated in this event.
Over five decades, the Art Annual encourages students’ artistic production, and creates a space for reflecting upon new ideas and insights about art using education as a tool and interface. “FAAP is a centralized point of art and culture that allows people to experience and experiment with art seriously and in accordance with the requirements of the art system. If art enhances the prospects of dialogue and approaches artists and participants, then the Annual greatly increases that prospect, bringing it into the institutional, educational space,” says the curator.
The award committee, comprised of professionals in the field such as Ana Maria Maia, art critic and researcher; Pablo Lafuente, editor of Afterall and co-curator of the 31st Bienal de São Paulo (2014); and Thiago Honório, artist and FAAP professor, gave prizes to students. Seven scholarships were awarded: three annual scholarships with a 90% discount on the course fee to Cleo Maria Nehring Dobberthin, Felipe Campedelli Arcaro and Renata Ribas; two scholarships with a 75% discount to Alexandre Kriemann Baptista and Luiza Gottschalk; and two scholarships with a 60% discount to Celine Bourdon de Araújo and Yudi Rafael Lemes Koike.
The exhibition has a catalog that can be accessed electronically through FAAP website.
Parallel to the exhibition, events take place with the Art Annual guest artists and the selection and award committees. Open meetings are held for the public and those who have any interest in the 45th FAAP Art Annual. As professor Marcos Moraes mentioned, “these meetings aim to boost the exchange of reflections on these contemporary practices of artistic nature that are noticeable in the processes of these training students and visible in the exhibition.”
November 13, 12:30pm, Cultural Hall (Building 1)
Meeting with guest artists Daniel de Paula and Anaisa Franco. Curator Marcos Moraes as mediator.
November 21, 12:30pm, Cultural Hall (Building 1)
Meeting with the selection committee.
Participants: Aline van Langendonck, Galciani Maria Neves de Araujo, Ronaldo Entler and Marcos Moraes.
November 27, 12:30pm, Cultural Hall (Building 1)
Meeting with the award committee.
Participants: Ana Maria Maia, Pablo Lafuente and Thiago Honório. Curator Marcos Moraes as mediator.
Curso de Artes Visuais—FAAP (Visual Arts Course)
Created in the mid-1950s, the Visual Arts Course at FAAP is recognized as a benchmark in the field. It gathers a significant portion of Brazilian artistic production and theory representatives in the visual arts who were students or teachers in this institution. Among them are different generations of professionals that were part of FAAP: in the 1970s, Regina Silveira, Julio Plaza and Walter Zanini; in the 1980s and 1990s, Nelson Leirner, Leda Catunda, Dora Longo Bahia, Georgia Kyriakakis and Regina Johas.
Currently, the course trains professionals in the field of visual arts: artists, researchers and people responsible for the art world. Throughout the decades, FAAP has established itself as a reference area for research and artistic production, especially in the contemporary art scene nationally and internationally.
About the course: